Atdawn,abulkywomanindeepmourningwashoistedin–almostlikeashapelessbundle.Behindher,puffingandmoaning,followedherhusband–atinyman,thinandweakly,lookingshyanduneasy.3 Havingatlasttakenaseathepolitelythankedthepassengerswhohadhelpedhiswifeandmaderoomforher.Thewifepulleduphercollaragaintohereyes,soastohideherface....
1、Contents Active Reading 1 Warming Up Listen to a passage and answer questions. New words Okinawa (日本)冲绳 curator n. (博物馆、美术馆、图书馆等)管理者;馆长 morale n. 士气 sue for peace 求和;议和 preserve v. 保留 pacifist n. 和平爱好者 Nagasaki (日本)长崎 Hiroshima (日本)广岛 ...
下载 还剩106页未读,继续阅读 下载提示 常见问题 1、金锄头文库是“C2C”交易模式,即卖家上传的文档直接由买家下载,本站只是中间服务平台,本站所有文档下载所得的收益全部归上传人(卖家)所有,作为网络服务商,若您的权利被侵害请及时联系右侧客服; 2、如你看到网页展示的文档有jinchutou.com水印,是因预览和防盗链等...
5. collecting money to help the victims of a natural disaster 6. crying at the end of a film s e s e s e Now decide whether the feelings or actions described below are a result of sympathy or empathy. * 新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2Unit2B篇练***答案及课文翻译 *...
《新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 3 A篇练习答案及课文翻译》.ppt,* * * * Language Points What we have here, it would seem, is a game of chance. The writer says soccer is a game of chance, indicating that skill does not play a role in soccer. What pla
ActiveReading1 WarmingUp WatchtheclipofthemovieMeettheParentsandanswerthequestions.1.Doyouthinkthemenunlucky?2.Howmanyunluckythingscanyoufindinthefilm?3.Doyoubelieveonebadleadstoanother?4.Haveyoueverrunintoanyunluckythings?Key WarmingUp 1.Doyouthinkthemenunlucky?Yes.2.Howmanyunluckythingscanyoufindinthe...
2 Is virtually used to emphasize that something is (a) almost always completely true, or (b) sometimes true? 3 Is a precursor of something likely to come (a) before it, or (b) after it? 4 Is a developmental p 41、sychologist likely to study the behaviour of (a) animals, or (b...