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全新版大学英语 综合教程3大二上期 课后翻译题答案 Unit 1P21—22 1. 我们的计算机系统出了毛病,但我觉得问题比较小。(minor) We have a problem with the computer system, but I think… 猫咪爱吃鱼 全新版大学高阶英语综合教程 4 参考答案含网课 目录 全新版大学高阶英语综合教程 4 详情可见“夜华答案编写...
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War战争1 The passengers had had to stop at a small station in order to continue their journey by the small oldfashioned lo
新标准大学英语综合教程2答案unit1unit10 新标准大学英语综合教程 2 答案 unit1-unit10 Unit 1 Acting Reading (1) 3 1. issue 2. opportunity 3. establishment 4. campus 5. protest 6. launch 7. prospects 8. employment 4 1. issue 2. campus 3. protests 4. establishment 5. prospects 6. employme...
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这里是,【课后习题答案汇总!】新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程 第三册 课本教材 参考答案 因完整版答案太多,先更新部分内容,其他的后续更新 已经走到尽头的东西,重生也不过是再一次的消亡。就像所有的开始…
2 At dawn, a bulky woman in deep mourning was hoisted in – almost like a shapeless bundle. Behind her, puffing and moaning, followed her husband – a tiny man, thin and weakly, looking shy and uneasy. 天亮时,一个深陷哀恸的大块头女人被架了进来——差不多像一捆没形的包袱卷。跟在她身...
1 The moment Hope, just nine months old, saw another baby fall, tears welled up in her own eyes and she crawled off to be comforted by her mother, as though it were she who had been hurt. And 15-month-old Michael went to get his own teddy bear for his crying friend Paul; when ...