Your response to the general comments from the editor… (接下来是逐条回应审稿人的建议。) COMMENTS TO THE AUTHOR: Reviewer #1 : Response to the questions one by one Reviewer #2 : Response to the questions one by one 模板2: 完整版本 这个模板是在网上找到的,经发布者授权,转载到这里。这个模板...
终有一天,它带着沉甸甸的“包裹”回来了 (reviewer comments),至于“包裹”里是惊喜还是惊吓,包藏着一段怎样艰辛的历程,我们又该如何对其“梳妆打扮”甚至“改头换面” (response to reviewers’ comments),送他“安全”返回 (revised submission) 并抵达终点 (accept) 呢……小编带你且看且分析。 审稿人的comm...
__ New application of existing technique __ Related areas such as planning, decision-making __...
第1条:稿件信息(Title and author of paper) 稿件信息包括作者、标题、期刊和稿件编号。有的审稿人会在稿件信息前加上'Comments on'或者“Referee's comments on”或者“Review's comments on”之类的短语。 第2条:简介(Summary of paper) 在简介中指出作者考虑了什么问题,做了哪些工作,报道了什么内容。在简介...
Author’s response to the reviewers’ comments:作者对审稿人的意见的回应 热度: A point by point response to the reviewer´s comments:通过对审稿人的意见,一点一点反应 热度: ResponsetoReviewerComments Wethankboththereviewersfortheirthoughtful/usefulcommentsandsuggestions.Their ...
The authors wish to begin with thanking the two referees for their constructive criticism, which has significantly improved the manuscript. Their comments can be seen in the following sections. Author´s replies are listed below each comment in red. Anonymous Referee #1 Received and published...
2.The countermeasures are as follow: meeting needs for new reviewers after assessing the peer reviewers dynamically; signing contracts between editorial department and reviewers to ensure the review quality and time; making a detailed standard of review to avoid deflective comments; facilitating co.有...
第1条:稿件信息(Title and author of paper) 稿件信息包括作者、标题、期刊和稿件编号。有的审稿人会在稿件信息前加上'Comments on'或者“Referee's comments on”或者“Review's comments on”之类的短语。 第2条:简介(Summary of paper) 在简介中指出作者考虑了什么问题,做了哪些工作,报道了什么内容。在简介...