处暑是二十四节气的第十四个节气。 祁:没错,现在我们聊聊处暑 the End of Heat的来历吧。 高:At around August 23, the‘End of heat’comes,and ends on Sep 6. It means that the summer heat is over. 祁:是的,在...
处暑(End of Heat)是中国传统二十四节气(the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms)中的第十四个节气。 “处”,是“去”的意思 "Chu" means "go", 处暑的到来意味着暑气“至此而止” 《说文解字》曰:“处,止也。“处暑”表示酷热难熬的天气到了尾声,暑气...
Before and after the End of Heat, there will be Zhongyuan Festival in the folk, commonly known as "July and a half". During this period, activities of offering sacrifices and giving alms, such as erecting lamp poles, floating river lanterns, etc, will be held to pray for health and the...
The "End of Heat" is a Chinese solar term, one of the 24 divisions of the year. It happens from August 22 to September 6 this year. During this time, China is moving from hot summer to cooler autumn. “处暑”是中国的一个节气,是一年中24个节气之一。它发生在今年8月22日至9月6日。在...
处暑,是秋天的第二个节气。"Chushu", or End of Heat, is the second solar term in autumn. 处暑之后,就是一场秋雨一场寒。After the end of heat,It is getting colder after every autumn rain.记得添衣保暖,迎接凉秋。Remember to add clothes to keep warm and welcome cool 编辑:陆薇 吴雨霜(...
-TheEndofHeat(处暑)学习目标 认识处暑;认识处暑的相关内容;学会表达。CONTENTS目录 VocabularyTheintroductionThecustomPractice PartOneVocabulary Vocabulary 壹 ·洛im吾pl争y武/ɪmˈplaɪ/v.暗示,暗指;意味着 阳君新夷 节相所买溪 君乏宠边 气节忠孝【岂此拓展各出】粟粒implyto意味着以 家物意芽...
处暑是中国传统二十四节气(the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms)中的第十四个节气。“处”有“终止”之意,处暑的到来意味着中国绝大部分地区正在脱离炎夏,迈入凉爽秋天,因而可译为End of Heat。中国幅员辽阔,受纬度和海拔等因素影响,全国各地入秋的时间会有差异。In China, regions beyond the Great Wall...
Chushu, the fourteenth of the twenty-four solar terms, also marks the second solar term of autumn. With Chushu here, the heat subsides and coolness arrives, mountains and rivers wear more colors, and water waves grow gentler. The autumn wind brushes gently, the scent of rice fills the air,...
处暑已至,暑去凉来,山川添彩,水波温柔。秋风轻拂,稻香四溢,一幅幅秋日画卷正缓缓展开。愿与您共览山水间的斑斓画卷,感受大自然的馈赠。 Chushu, the fourteenth of the twenty-four solar terms, also marks the second solar term of autumn. With Chushu here, the heat subsides and coolness arrives, ...
Today (August 23) marks the beginning of the End of Heat. 处暑,是二十四节气的第十四个节气,也是秋季的第二个节气。在这一天里,太阳到达黄经150°。处,止也,表示炎热即将过去,暑气将结束。而在广州,处暑时节往往会再次迎来高温天气,俗称“秋老虎”。