1)在同一个schema下,有查询权限,就可以创建视图。 2)在不同schema下,即使有了查询权限,创建视图,还是会提示ORA-01031。 文章中介绍需要sys账户将数据字典的访问权限赋予star用户,但这里还要注意的是V$SESSION是一个public的同义词,根据前几篇博客介绍的方法,可以看到它封装的是x$ksuse这个表,好像没看到过将这种...
In order to create a view in a schema, that schema must have the privileges necessary to either select, insert, update, or delete rows from all the tables or views on which the view is based. The view owner must be granted these privileges directly, rather than through a role. The reas...
新建用户jack,授予connect、resource、unlimited tablespace权限,发现不能创建视图 SQL> create or replaceview ts 2 as 3 select * from employees order by id; create or replace view ts * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges 记得connect是包含create view权限的,于是查询dba_sys_privs数据字...
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges 2、问题分析 虽然a是dba,但是需要满足两个条件 (1)GRANT CREATE VIEW TO A; (2)grant select B.表 to A; 3、解决 conn b/123 grant select on b.test to a; conn a/123 create view v_b as select * from b.test;...
TABLE_NAME --- X_T SQL> create view v_xff1 2 as 3 select * from X_T; View created. SQL> create view V_XFF AS 2 SELECT * FROM SCOTT.DEPT; SELECT * FROM SCOTT.DEPT * ERROR at line 2: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges SQL> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SCOTT.DEPT; COUNT(*) --...
建立视图报 ORA-01031: insufficient privileges 建立所需要的实验环境的脚本: create user lc0019999 identified by aaaaaa; create user lc0029999 identified by aaaaaa; grant dba to lc0019999; grant dba to lc0029999; create table lc0029999.t1 (c1 varchar(2)); ...
新建用户jack,授予connect、resource、unlimited tablespace权限,发现不能创建视图 SQL> create or replaceview ts 2 as 3 select * from employees order by id; create or replace view ts * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges 记得connect是包含create view权限的,于是查询dba_sys_privs数据字...
新建用户jack,授予connect、resource、unlimited tablespace权限,发现不能创建视图 SQL> create or replaceview ts 2 as 3 select * from employees order by id;create or replace view ts ERROR at line 1:ORA-01031: insufficient privileges 记得connect是包含create view权限的,于是查询dba_sys_...
新建用户jack,授予connect、resource、unlimited tablespace权限,发现不能创建视图 SQL> create or replaceview ts 2 as 3 select * from employees order by id; create or replace view ts * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficientprivileges 记得connect是包含create view权限的,于是查询dba_sys_privs数据字典...