GRANT/SELECT View时的遭遇ORA-01720和ORA-01031错误 所示即可解决: 案例2:将VIEW授权给其它用户(sys账号下),查询时遭遇ORA-01031: insufficient privileges 以sys登录授权ods拥有查询视图的权限,之所以用...那篇文章已经已经囊括了很多案例,但是今天遇到一个特殊案例,折腾了我比较久。下面通过几个例子来演示一下...
ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges SYS@orcl1> select OWNER,OBJECT_NAME,OBJECT_TYPE from dba_objects where OBJECT_NAME='V_EMPLOYEES'; SCOTT V_EMPLOYEES VIEW SYS@orcl1> 查视图定义: SYS@orcl1> set long 9999 SYS@orcl1> select DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL('VIEW','V_EMPLOYEES','...
In order to create a view in a schema, that schema must have the privileges necessary to either select, insert, update, or delete rows from all the tables or views on which the view is based. The view owner must be granted these privileges directly, rather than through a role. The reas...
You must have been granted the CREATE VIEW (to create a view in your schema) or CREATE ANY VIEW (to create a view in another user's schema) system privilege, either explicitly or through a role. You must have been explicitly granted the SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE object privilege...
ORACLE CREATE VIEW ORA-01031 创建ORACLE视图时报错ORA-01031,表明insufficient privileges (一)现象说明 用户为新建用户test 授予角色:HR_ALL 授予HR_ALL的系统权限是:grant connect,resource to HR_ALL; 授予HR_ALL的对象权限是:无 用test登陆 create view test01 as select * from hr.employees;...
18:createorreplaceviewv_dm_test 19:* 20:ERRORatline 1: 21:ORA-01031: insufficientprivileges 22: 23: 24:SQL> 结论:在这个场景出现这个错误,是因为账号dm并没有授予创建视图的权限。需要授予dm账号创建视图的权限。以sys/system等具有DBA权限的账号登陆数据库,授予dm账号创建视图的权限。
But: fdr gets select count(*) from dsdw.view_name; ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges issue the grant: grant select on fdr.balance to dsdw with grant option; now fdr: select count(*) from dsdw.view_name; 5 rows Share Improve this answer Follow answered Jul 15...
今天接到开发反馈,说数据库动态sql创建表语句无法执行,提示ORA-01031: insufficient privileges 1、数据库版本 SQL> select * from v$version where rownum=1; BANNER ———- Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release – Production 2、创建用户并授权 SQL> create user test...
Oracle Database Cloud Service - Version N/A and later: Error ORA-01031: Insufficient Privileges While Refreshing Materialized View From A Procedure
ORA-01031:insufficientprivileges解决⽅法 使⽤sys或system帐号登录plSql时,提⽰ORA-01031:insufficient privileges 错误。使⽤其他的帐号能正常登录,在cmd命令中⽤system帐号也是可以正常登录。⽹上有⼏种⽅法如下:因为我的电脑计算机组和⽤户配置都是正常的,所以这种⽅式没有亲⾃尝试,⽹络上...