overcame multiple difficulties and built the world-renowned Tazara Railway in less than six years, a project that many people deemed a “mission impossible”. It played a big role helping our African brothers smash the blockade imposed by the apartheid regime and gain national independence...
The two sides need to enhance exchanges among youth, women, media, universities and think tanks and at sub-national level so as to bring the hearts of Chinese and African people closer and promote policy coordination between China and Africa. This will lay a solid popular foundation for China-...
Distinguished Presidents of the Human Rights Council and the General Assembly – and President Lykketoft, we are delighted and honoured to see you with us this morning 尊敬的人权理事会和大会主席——还有吕克托夫特(Lykketoft)主席,我们很高兴也很荣幸看到诸位今天上午与我们齐聚一堂。 Excellencies, Colleag...
英语翻译练习外刊中英文对照翻译赏析.doc 英语翻译练习-外刊中英文对照翻译赏析2Paul Samuelson保罗.萨缪尔森The last of the great general economists died on December 13th, aged 9412月13日,最后一位经济学通才辞世,享年94岁“I WAS reborn, born as an economist, at 8.00am on January 2nd 1932, in the ...
[科学美国人健康系列]仅通过血液测试便可以诊断阿尔茨海默病(中) 简单的血液测试听起来相当不错。那么它们的准确度如何呢? 2023-10-07 编辑:Kelly标签:我来听写 [科学美国人健康系列]仅通过血液测试便可以诊断阿尔茨海默病(上) 大家好,欢迎来到《科学美国人》播客系列《健康快讯》!
①“汉语热”在世界各地迅速升温,日前全球已有210所“孔子学院”(国外学习汉语的学校)。日本每五六个人中就有一个人在练习汉字书法,韩国练习汉字书法的民众愈十万人。 ②在我国一个有600多人参加的高级翻译大赛中,许多选手英译汉时错字连篇,词不达意,词汇贫乏。在一等奖空缺的情况下,文字流畅、...