We constructed a viable insertion mutant (ins 5) of polyomavirus which contains, upstream of the L-strand polyadenylation signal, a 94-nt fragment of rabbit beta-globin DNA. Included in this fragment are all of the sequence elements required for efficient cleavage and polyadenylation of rabbit bet...
The cDNA of the α-globin is 595 bp with the ATG start codon located at Position 37, the TAA stop codon at Position 469 and the AATAAA polyadenylation signal at Position 560, which codifies 145 amino acids. The entire open reading frame of the β-globin gene is 447 bp long, which ...
AATAAA polyadenylation signal at Position 560 (GenBank accession number AY803735). The de- duced amino acid seguences codified 144 residues and had a Gly inserted at Position 47(see Fig. 3). The !-globin shared 54. 2% ~ 70. 8% similarities相关...
However, the major component determining the accuracy of polyadenylation is the dinucleotide (CA) right upstream of the cleavage site. One novel cleavage site determinant, GA, is identified, and it is half as effective as CA. Comparison between the mouse $\\beta$-globin poly(A) signal and ...
The frequency of α-thal determinants in the study was 40.0%, the commonest being the -α3-7-kb deletion (27.5%), the α2 polyadenylation signal (AATAAA-> AATAAG) mutation (10.2%) and the IVS-I 5´ end GAGGT-GAGG-> GAGG pentanucleotide (5 nt) deletion (3.3%). SS patients ...
While the fragment is transcribed regardless of orientation, the RNA splice signal and poly(A) addition site are utilized only when the fragment is inserted in the "sense" orientation. Thus genomic mouse signals for both splicing and polyadenylation are recognized across species boundaries. Further...
Apparent dominance of splicing over polyadenylation was demonstrated by the functional silence of a pA signal placed within the only intron of pG- and pNG-series constructs (the wild-type pA signal was functional). Splice site deletions rendered control constructs intronless--all of which failed ...