Whether it’s through a text message or a real bouquet, sending someone a certain number of roses transcends a deeper meaning than just love. There’s a reason why your longtime girlfriend or wife is unsatisfied with a single-stemmed rose. Here’s a simple list of the hidden meaning behin...
makes a third Hellboy movie, but the comics are always here to ease the pain. Creator Mike Mignola’s outstanding tale of the well-meaning half-demon out to save the world is a story for the ages. With more than 50 issues to dig into, Hellboy makes for a steadfast quarantine companion...
when you’re a couple, when you have a girlfriend… C: Honey, come on! M: Let’s go… C: I wanna go. M: Are you ??? C: You are taking forever. M: Alright, who takes long? Like do you take a long time to get ready, to get dressed?