@英汉单词学习词典鸟巢的英语怎么说 英汉单词学习词典 bird's nest 英标[ˈbɜːdz nest] 词性:名词 级别:雅思3.5 中文释义:鸟巢;鸟窝 英文释义:A structure built by a bird to hold its eggs and nurture its young. 记忆技巧:bird(鸟)+ nest(窝),组合成“bird's nest”,即“鸟巢”。 例句1:The...
鸟巢用英语可以说“bird nest”或者“bird's nest”。 “bird nest”的读音为:英 [bə:d nest] 美 [bɚd nɛst] ,释义为鸟窝,锅垢,炉渣;鸟巢。 实用场景例句如下: 1. 灿烂的礼花也在火炬点燃的瞬间漫天绽放,鸟巢沸腾了!The bright fireworks also bloom in torch light's instantaneous everywhere,...
鸟巢的英文表达有多种,根据语境和用途的不同,可以选择“nest”、“Bird's Nest”、“bird nest”、“Stadium resembling a bird's nest”、“Nest-like structure”或“Avian-inspired architecture”等表述。以下是对这些表述的详细解释: 一、基本表达 nest:这是“鸟巢”最直接、最基本...
鸟巢的英文翻译 nestbird nestbird´s nest 鸟巢汉英翻译 bird nest鸟窝,锅垢,炉渣; 鸟巢; bird´s nest鸟巢,燕窝; 词组短语 鸟巢菌bird´s-nest fungus 鸟巢学bird´s-nest fungus 鸟巢兰属Neottia 鸟巢度假村Yalong Bay Earthly Paradise; Nest Holiday Resort ...
鸟巢英语说法1: bird's nest 鸟巢英语说法2: bird nest 鸟巢的相关短语: 北京鸟巢 beijing bird's nest 鸟巢床 Bird's Nest 鸟巢标识 The Nest Sign 鸟巢学 caliology 布谷鸟巢 one flew over the cuckoo s nest 寻找鸟巢 Find Nest 鸟巢的英语例句: 1. The holes were sufficiently large to serve as ne...
解析 水立方 Water Cube鸟巢Bird's Nest国家歌剧院 Opera House结果一 题目 水立方、鸟巢、国家歌剧院,用英语怎么说? 答案 水立方 Water Cube 鸟巢 Bird's Nest 国家歌剧院 Opera House 相关推荐 1 水立方、鸟巢、国家歌剧院,用英语怎么说? 反馈 收藏 ...
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niǎo cháo 1. Bird's Nest; Bird Nest (the nickname of China's National Stadium for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games due to its unique "bird's nest" shape) 2. a bird's nest; a bird nest 生辰测算手机吉凶2025年运势一生财运 性别:
沪江词库精选鸟巢的英语怎么说、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 bird's nest 相似短语 in bird 坐牢 bird man 捕鸟者,鸟类学家;飞行员 bird of paradise 极乐鸟 bird of prey n.[动]食肉鸟,猛禽 aguatic bird 水禽 gallows bird n. 应受绞刑的人 beneficial bird 益鸟 lady bird n.瓢虫 diving...