鱼香肉丝。 材料: 猪里脊肉300克,切薄片。 竹笋50克,切片。 木耳50克,泡发切丝。 胡萝卜50克,切丝。 芹菜50克,切丝。 红灯笼椒1个,切丝。 青灯笼椒1个,切丝。 大蒜2瓣,切末。 生姜3片,切末。 食用油4汤匙。 生抽4汤匙。 绍兴酒2汤匙。 醋2汤匙。 白砂糖2汤匙。 淀粉1汤匙。 清水3汤匙。 麻油1茶匙...
鱼香肉丝做法英语作文 Fish-flavored shredded pork is a classic Sichuan dish. Prepare the necessary ingredients: pork, carrots, green peppers, and black fungus. Also prepare ingredients such as scallion, ginger, garlic, chili peppers, and seasonings like light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, ...
How to make Yuxiang shredded pork Ingredients:200 g Lean pork 100 g lettuce black fungus; ginger; green onion (spring onion, scallion); garlic Seasonings:salt white sugar broad bean paste cooking wine wet cornstarch soy sauce vinegar red chili oil (optional)Note: the amount of the...
所属专辑:厨房英语 音频列表 1 57月饼 Mooncakes in 5 Steps 51 2022-02 2 56鱼香肉丝家常做法(英文配音,中英字幕) 48 2022-02 3 55油焖大虾Braised Shrimps in 10 Minutes 36 2022-02 4 54椰丝牛奶小方 Coconut Milk Cubes【英文食谱】 29 2022-02 ...
准备材料。2. 将将泡发的黑木耳切丝,玉兰片切丝,猪瘦肉切丝,葱姜蒜切末。3. 将肉丝用少许盐、料酒和淀粉将肉丝稍腌。并将淀粉、盐、白糖、醋、生抽、肉汤(或水)兑成调味汁。4. 热锅下冷油,油温热后,下肉丝迅速划炒散开。5. 炒至肉色变白后用铲子将肉丝拨在锅边(或盛出),底油加自制...
鱼香肉丝做法小英语作文 Stir-Fried Fish-Flavored Pork Shreds: A Culinary Delight. Stir-fried fish-flavored pork shreds, a classic dish from the Sichuan province of China, tantalizes taste buds with its harmonious blend of spicy, sweet, and savory flavors. This delectable dish is a testament to...
鱼香肉丝的做法英语作文 English: Fish-fragrant shredded pork, known as "yuxiang rousi" in Chinese, is a classic Sichuan dish with a unique flavor profile. To make this dish, start by preparing the ingredient marinade, which typically includes rice wine, soy sauce, cornstarch, and a pinchof ...
(1) 肉切丝,用少许酱油、盐、料酒拌匀,用湿淀粉浆好,拌些油。青菜、木耳水发透洗净均切丝,泡辣椒剁碎。葱、姜切末。(2) 用糖、醋、酱油、葱、姜、蒜、料酒、味精、淀粉、汤对成汁。(3) 炒勺烧热注油、油热后下肉丝用手勺推动散开,再加入泡辣椒炒出味后,即下发好的木耳和青菜,随着翻...
鱼香肉丝做法英语介绍 Ingredients: - 200g pork tenderloin - 1/2 green pepper - 1/2 red pepper - 1/2 carrot - 2 cloves of garlic - 2 slices of ginger - 2 scallions - 1 tablespoon cooking wine - 1 tablespoon soy sauce - 1 tablespoon sugar...
1、将泡辣椒切成碎末待用;2、小碗内加入姜末、葱末、蒜末、精盐、白糖、醋、酱油、湿淀粉,调和均匀待用;3、花生油烧至六成热,煸炒泡辣椒待出红油后,撒入辣椒粉,放入肉丝煸炒,菜肴将熟时,把小碗内兑好的汁倒入锅内翻拌均匀,淋入香油即可。注意:营养成分:胆固醇:470毫克 碳水化合物:15...