靴带近似 2) gray band approximation 灰带近似 1. Based on a survey of various models and treatment methods for the calculation of radiative properties of gases, box model, which is similar to thegray band approximationof spectral band model, was applied to evaluate the gas properties. ...
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手雷你就别想了,火箭靴没试过,不过估计不能。如果你不是特别腿短的职业比如SS,火箭靴就是个玩具 禁言|8楼2010-02-03 19:14 回复 贴吧用户_07JXDeS 神圣的 7 回复:6楼那是你RP不好 禁言|9楼2010-02-03 19:14 回复 邪与善 百折不挠 1 80可以用,火箭鞋改版为专属付魔 禁言|10楼2010-02-...