无非疫区和有害生物低度流行区的认可(英文), Recognition of pest free areas and areas of low pest prevalence (in English), 提供ISPM No.29(2007)的发布时间、引用、替代关系、发布机构、适用范围等信息,也提供PDF预览(如果有PD
a我国目前属于ASF非疫区国家,随着周边地区ASF的发生,以及各种国际交往及商业贸易,特别是与非洲、拉美国家日益增多,ASF对我国的潜在威胁越来越大,为了有效预防该病在我国的发生,研制特异、快速、敏感、廉价的ASFV检测方法尤为必要。 Our country belongs to the ASF non-quarantine area country at present, along with...
建立非疫区的要求(英文) Requirements for Establishing Pest Free Areas (English)首页 标准 ISPM No.4(1995) ISPM No.4(1995) 发布历史ISPM No.4(1995)标准号 ISPM No.4(1995) 发布单位 行业标准-农业 适用范围 无 购买 正式版ISPM No.4(1995)相似标准...
非疫区1. Based on the experiences of non-disease area construction in Shaanxi Province,systematic suggestions on construction of non-disease apple area in Shaanxi were put forward in this paper. 本文在分析陕西省苹果非疫区探索的基础上,提出比较系统的陕西省苹果非疫区建设的设想。
我国目前属于ASF非疫区国家,随着周边地区ASF的发生,以及各种国际交往及商业贸易,特别是与非洲、拉美国家日益增多,ASF对我国的潜在威胁越来越大,为了有效预防该病在我国的发生,研制特异、快速、敏感、廉价的ASFV检测方法尤为必要。 And has the spread expansion tendency, in the last few years, our country ...
非疫区 1. Based on the experiences ofnon-disease areaconstruction in Shaanxi Province,systematic suggestions on construction of non-disease apple area in Shaanxi were put forward in this paper. 本文在分析陕西省苹果非疫区探索的基础上,提出比较系统的陕西省苹果非疫区建设的设想。
疫区外流人群3) the immigrant population 外来人群 1. By use of the theory of ethnic group,this thesis made an attempt to discuss the life style adaptability about the immigrant population in Guangdong Prov. 广东外来人群主要是伴随改革开放步伐,以职业流动为基础形成的一个特殊群体。 更多例句>> 4...