In conclusion, although there might be some health risks for younger generation to watch television for too long and too often, I still believe that it is a blessing rather than a curse; cartoons, films and a large number of programmes do enrich their life in many ways. 雅思作文高分 26 P...
雅思写作高分 1 也许是交通问题已经困扰世界各国人民太久了,所以各国政府都纷纷在交通建设和改善方面做出了不小的努力。但是对于政府花钱建设更多的铁路而不是公路这样的观点,我本人表示不能完全赞成。 It is perhaps the long-disturbing traffic issue that drives governments all over the globe to make great effo...
参考范文 Traditionally, work should be done in the workplace, such as an office or a factory. However, this has changed today, with increasing numbers of people working from home via the internet. I believe this new mode benefits both ...
雅思作文高分范文 【篇1】雅思作文高分范文 数字时代的浪潮彻底颠覆了传统社会的运行模式,全新的生活形态正在形成。它不仅改变了我们的工作与交流方式,更深刻地影响着我们的思维与行为模式。这种改变究竟是进步的阶梯,还是人性异化的开端?值得我们深思。 从前,人们的生活节奏缓慢而有序。工作与生活泾渭分明,交流需要面对...
如果你不同意范文中的观点 你会如何组织自己的论点呢? 试着在评论区分享你认为应该归还文物 都有哪些原因吧~ 如果你想突破雅思写作瓶颈, 轻松搞定复杂题材与高频词汇, 千万不要错过姜老师的高分写作课! 👩🏫8年雅思教学经验的沉淀, 精准覆盖所有雅...
雅思大作文高分范文(热门27篇) Though it is never easy to fix these feelings of unhappiness, there are possible measures to be taken to enhance the wellbeing of children who are under constant pressures. To begin with, parents have to draw a line on the expectations of their children and ...
1.Some people think governments should build more train and subway lines to reduce traffic congestion. Others think building more and wider roads is better. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(政府投资类) Traffic congestion is frustrating and bothering many commuters in cities, with conf...
雅思真题大作文: Some people think that the best way to become successful in life is to get a university education, whereas others say this is no longer true. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 有些人认为成功的最佳途径是接受大学教育,而另一些人则认为这不再正确。讨论这两种观...