Bring back the big cats 动物 Question 1 正确答案:D 解析: 题干关键词:2006 discovery(2006年的发现),about the lynx(关于猞猁) 原文定位:“until 2006”(直到2006年),“but the 2006 find”(但是在2006年的发现中),可将答案定位到原文第一段,第一段大部分内容都在讲2006年关于猞猁的发现:第一段第四行...
Bring back the big cats It's time to start returning vanished native animals to Britain, says John Vesty There is a poem, written around 598 AD, which describes hunting a mystery animal called a llewyn. But what was it? Nothing seemed to fit, until 2006, when an animal bone, dating ...
Bring back the big cats John Vesty says that the time for returning vanished native animals to Britain has arrived. Around598AD,there is a poem that describes the hunting of a mystery animal called llewyn.What is it?Nothing got fitted until2006,an animal bone was found in the Kinsey Cave ...
Bring back the big cats It's time to start returning vanished native animals to Britain, says John Vesty There is a poem, written around 598 AD, which describes hunting a mystery animal called a llewyn. But what was it? Nothing seemed to fit, until 2006, when an animal bone, dating fr...
剑桥雅思12Test8Passage2阅读答案解析 Bring back the big cats 剑桥雅思12阅读第八套题目第二篇文章的13道题由5道单项选择,4道选词填空和4道YES/NO/NOT GIVEN判断组成。虽然题目基本都是顺序出题,但因为文章偏长,所以寻找起来仍然存在一定的困难。下面是具体每道题目的答案解析。
剑桥雅思12Test8Passage2阅读答案解析 Bring back the big cats 剑桥雅思12 Test8 Passage2阅读原文翻译 第1段 There is a poem, written around 598 AD, which describes hunting a mystery animal called a llewyn.But what was it?Nothing seemed to fit, until 2006, when an animal bone, dating from ...
4-2 'Bring back the big cats: is it time to start rewilding Britain?'【New Statesman】 4-3 'It's time for better boards'【Management Today】 剑13 1-1 【Marketing in Travel and Tourism】 1-2 'Why being bored is stimulating - and useful, too'【New Scientist】 1-3 'Creative Sparks...
可参考真题:剑桥12——TEST8 Passage2 Bring Back the Big Cats Passage 2 文章题材:说明文(能源) 文章题目:可再生能源 Renewable Energy 文章难度:★★★ 题型及数量:判断+匹配 题目及答案: (左右滑动查看题目,和考试不一定完全一致) Questions ...
考古类1篇The Lost City---说明 生态保护类1篇Bring Back the Big Cats---说明 企业管理1篇UK Companies Need More Effective Boards of Directors---说明 最后启德考培觉得,剑12(A类)的A类雅思阅读难度与剑11相持平,考生们在备考阅读过程中,一定要注意刷题的方式,刷易得分,省时间的题型,比如判断和填空。根...
例如剑12 Test8 Passage2 “Bring back the big cats”中第18题: 题干部分问得非常细节化,提问原文中告诉读者“rewilding(再野生化,放归野外)”跟其他的环保运动有什么区别。按照上面提到过的出题规律能够很快定位到原文第6段,原文如下: 这一段只有两句话:第一句说rewilding非常特别,它的支持者们表达的是“what...