10 IELTS 13 Test3.Section3 10342023-10 查看更多 猜你喜欢 955 IELTS by:C花花公主C 4896 IELTS by:Leah_Mars 1211 IELTS 19 by:典妈书房11 2033 IELTS Vocabulary by:阳彻 1614 IELTS Grammar by:阳彻 8162 SpeakMax IELTS by:Joey_The_Monster 2353 Official IELTS by:雅思听力 6069 ielts go by:omar...
答案解析:录音中提到,在种子长出来之后,需要记录他们的高度,tall与height同义替换,由此确定E为正确答案。 剑桥雅思13Test1Section1听力答案解析 Cookery Classes 剑桥雅思13Test1Section2听力答案解析 Traffic Changes in Granford 剑桥雅思13Test1Section4听力答案解析 Effects of urban environments on animals 本文固定链接:...
推荐阅读:剑桥雅思13听力Test1-4汇总 Anyway, shall we have a look at the procedure for our experiment? 好的,我们应该看看我们实验的程序了吗? We'll need to get going with it quite soon. 我们很快就要开始着手了。 Right. So the first thing we have to do is find our seeds. 对的。所以我们...
然后我们就可以等着种子发芽--我觉得大概需要三周,取决于天气怎么样。 Then we see if our plants have come up, and write down how tall they've grown. 然后我们就可以看看我们的植物长出来没有,然后记下它们长了多高。 Then all we have to do is look at our numbers, and see if there's any ...
剑桥雅思13 We've got to choose a topic for our experiment, haven't we, Jack? 我们需要为我们的实验选一个主题,是吧,Jack? Were you thinking of something to do with seeds? 你考虑过做和种子有关的实验吗? That's right. I thought we could look at seed germination — how a seed begins ...
剑桥雅思13Test1雅思听力Section4真题+答案+解析Effects of urban environments on animals Introduction Recent urban developments represent massive environmental changes. It waspreviously thought that only a few animals were suitable for city life, e.g. ●the 31...一because of its general adaptability ●...
以下是新东方在线雅思网给大家整理的剑桥雅思13听力Test1(section3-1),希望能够给大家备考雅思提供帮助,更多雅思备考内容,欢迎随时关注新东方在线雅思网。 推荐阅读:剑桥雅思13听力Test1-4汇总 We've got to choose a topic for our experiment, haven't we, Jack?
So, why do we need to make these changes to traffic systems in Granford? 所以,为什么我们需要对Granford的交通系统做出这些改变呢? Well, we're very aware that traffic is becoming an increasing problem. 好的,我们非常清楚交通状况正在变成一个越来越棘手的问题。