这是一个100%内容的答案,完全没有雅思口语评分标准里Lexical Resource(词汇丰富度)的语言运用。 你们或许不知道的是,雅思口语的考官从来都不对“回答的内容(the content of the answer)”评分的,他们评的是“回答里的语言特征(language features of the answer)”。 什么是语言特征呢?就是考生在回答时所展示出来...
口语逻辑乱得跟毛线团似的,分数就那么尴尬地卡在4.5,好长一段时间都没动静。 为此,这里就给各位带来一些雅思口语模板,让大家的雅思口语顺利出7分! 指向+原因+举例+指向重申 指向:陈述观点 原因:解释为什么有这个观点 举例:给出具体的例子 指向重申:再次陈述观点...
篇1:雅思口语话题和答案 Part1 一,Study 1, Whatsubject are you studying? My major is financial management in Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade.2,Why did you chose the major? Frankly speaking, I chose the major as my parents’requirement ,for they think this major can bring me a promising...
口语Part 1 01 考试模式 雅思口语part 1作为考试的第一部分,是最为直接简单,也是最接地气的一个部分。这一部分通常问的都是一些与考生生活有关的问题,且有固定题库。例如高频考题有“你的家乡在哪儿?”、“你是学生还是工作了?”,考鸭们要提前准备好回...
雅思口语题库 1 Environmental protection is no doubt a major issue confronting the modern society with the development of new technologies and the explosion of world population. While the issue is certainly relevant to each individual citizen and all the companies, some people contend that only the...
雅思口语题库1 Study or Work 1. Do you work or are you a student? 2. Do you like your major? Why/ Why not. 3. Is this major what you expected? 4. What is the most interesting part of your study? 5. Who plays a more important role in your study, the teachers or the classmate...