这是一个100%内容的答案,完全没有雅思口语评分标准里Lexical Resource(词汇丰富度)的语言运用。 你们或许不知道的是,雅思口语的考官从来都不对“回答的内容(the content of the answer)”评分的,他们评的是“回答里的语言特征(language features of the answer)”。 什么是语言特征呢?就是考生在回答时所展示出来...
篇1:雅思口语话题和答案 Part1 一,Study 1, Whatsubject are you studying? My major is financial management in Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade.2,Why did you chose the major? Frankly speaking, I chose the major as my parents’requirement ,for they think this major can bring me a promising...
雅思口语话题题库篇一 饮食习惯变化:how are the eating habits now in your country different from eating habits in the past? 休闲方式变化:are the types of leisure activities that are popular today the same as those that were popular when your parents were young? 购物习惯变化:how have shopping ...
1.雅思口语的练习方法应最大化贴近考试真实场景,Part1考试属于雅思口语考试中节奏比较快的Q&A,在平时练习首先以剑桥雅思真题一个套题(一般为4题)整体进行,一次完成4个问题,中间不要有间歇; 2.可以找朋友,或者利用APP进行提问,保证是听到题目再进行作答,切忌自己看着题目去进行练习; 3.练习过程中侧重对于问题的反应...
1.雅思⼝语话题范例 Describe your hometown Well, I was born in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, which is situated in central part of China, and is divided by the nationality famous Yangtze River into three districts, namely Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang. Education is well...
一、雅思口语7.5的备考方法分享 1、押题神器:当季雅思口语题库 在我懵懂无知的岁月里,我以为全天下...
1雅思口语第1波轮换题袭来 新鲜出炉火速围观 又到了一年三度的雅思口语换题季,让我们在第一时间分析一下Part 2第一波出现的轮换题吧! 1. 一个你去过的被污染的地方。 这个题目让我们联想一下环境保护法吧,还是考查大家环境话题的语料储备呀。 2. 一个你买的让你感到开心的东东。
2 Do you like your job? eat into:to use up a part of something, especially somebody’s money or time消耗,花掉,耗费(尤指金钱或时间) set aside+ time/carve out+ time 留出时间做某事 3 What job would you like to do? 4 What do you study?
雅思考试口语 1. What‘s your name 2. Does your name have any special meaning? 3. Where were you come from? 4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown? 5. What is the main crop in your hometown? 6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown? 7. What are the ...
1、要有一份完整的口语题库 首先是硬件要求,备考口语要现有一份好的题库,要知道备考口语最好的准备方法就是「最大限度的利用好雅思口语真题题库」,都开卷考试了,还不好好准备嘛!! 雅思口语题库是有换题季的,每一个换题季,考官通常会更换其中的1/3的题目,剩余的2/3题目会被保留下来。雅思口语的换题季是...