(4421期)你都如何存钱呢 How do you save money 两个靠谱的方式 I think two ways are quite reliable 做个财务计划 I would try to make a plan about money 学会花钱 how to spend money wisely 事儿不大 但要认真对待 it's not a big deal but I need to think about it every day ...
Money1. Do you spend a lot of money?2. How do you save money?(小问待补充)Singing1. Do ...
Do you have music lessons at school? 12:money Do you spent a lot of money? How do you save money? 13: singing 1)Do you like singing? Why? 2)Have you ever learned how to sing? 3)Who do you want to sing for? 4)Do you think singing can bring happiness to people? Part2&3 1....
You can also save money or waste money. 你也可以省钱或浪费钱。 You spend money on something. 你花钱买东西。 For example: I don't spend much on food. 例如:我在食物上花的钱不多。 He spends a lot of money on gadgets and technology. 他在小玩意和科技产品上花了很多钱。 How much do y...
Describe a piece of good advice that you gave to someone (new) Part 2 You should say: Who you gave the advice to What the advice was Why you gave the advice And explain how he/she followed your advice Part 3 Do you ...
What kind types of cars do you like? 00:43 雅思口语考试 part3刁钻问题!How has technology made our life easier? 01:03 雅思口语考试,看看你是多少分!How can people save money as much aspossible ? 01:00 雅思口语考试,看看你是多少分!Do you like being busy? 00:48 雅思口语考试 part3...
How do you save money? 参考答案: Well, as for me, I usually just put some of my money in my bankaccount from which I actually earn little interest. And at the same time, Ialso have some money in Alipay as I am pretty happy with the interest I earnevery day. ...
10. How important is it to save money forthe future? I think it’s fundamental to save money forthe future because you never know what could happen. In case of emergency, ifour parents get sick or if we get into an accident, we will need money to coverthe damage. In addition,...
Part2 Describe an interesting discussion you had about how you spend money 938204:47 Part3 What would you do if you couldn't understand the language in foreign film? 950004:13 Part2 Describe a piece of art(Like statue, painting)2018新题11 997504:49 Part3 How differently do man and women...
I want to tell you all about how we make dumplings and how our family gathers to do it together. First, let me tell you why my mom loves making dumplings. She says that making dumplings is a special way to celebrate our culture and traditions. Dumplings are a symbol of good luck, ...