YOLOv3 的 kmeans 想法不能直接用 w 和 h 来作为聚类计算距离的标准,因为 bbox 有大有小,不应该让 bbox 的尺寸影响聚类结果,因此,YOLOv3 的聚类使用了 IOU 思想来作为距离的度量 \(d(bbox, centroid) = 1 - IOU(bbox, centroid)\) 也就是说 IOU 越大的话,表示 bbox 和 box_cluster 就越类...
intt,n,tt,i,j,tot=1; cin>>t; while(t--) { memset(b,0,sizeof(b)); cin>>n; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ cin>>j; b[j]++; } tt=0; for(i=0;i<maxn;i++){ if(b[i]!=0) { a[tt++]=b[i]; } } intss=0; for(i=0;i<tt;i++){ if(a[i]>1) { ss+=n-1; n=...
Write a program which for each data set: reads a positive integer n, computes the positions of 1’s in the binary representation of n, writes the result. Input The first line of the input contains exactly one positive integer d equal to the number of data sets, 1 <= d <= 10. The...
Multiclass perceptrons provide a natural extension to the multi-class problem. Instead of just having one neuron in the output layer, with binary output, one could have N binary neurons leading to multi-class classification. In practice, the last layer of a neural network is usually a softmax...
基于植物群落实地调查数据,本文将中国南北过渡带东段分为:东秦岭北麓(EQMN)、东秦岭南麓(EQMS)、东大巴山北麓(EBMN)和东大巴山南麓(EBMS)4个地理单元,从植物物种、群落结构和物种多样性三个层面,对区域气候分界问题进行研究。结果表明:① 植物种类层面,EQMN主要为北方植物,EQMS出现常绿树种且北方植物减少,东大巴...
Researchers have pointed out that compu n work are likely to provide a good alternative for improving the quality of questioning s e students might be more willing to express their opinions and raise questions in technology-based environments than in traditional classrooms (Hu & Chiou, 2012). ...
forcalculatingquartiles. Step3:Drawaboxbetweenthefirstandthirdquartile;thisboxrepresentsthemiddle 50%ofthedata Step4:Calculatethemediananddrawalinethroughit,splittingtheboxcreatedabove SampleSize=N=Odd: N+1th Median=the(2)valueinthesamplesortedinascendingorder SampleSize=N=Even: Median=meanofNthandtheN+...
Then we can split the vectors in S according to s: for each vector c∈S, c is split to s and a complementary vector (c=s⊕c′). The whole framework of Algorithm Greedy_haplotyping is shown in Fig.1. ALGORITHM Greedy_haplotyping (INPUT: genotype set G OUTPUT: haplotype set H) BEGIN...
(v∈V(G))andamappingb:V(G)→N. Let(G,O,b)beaninstanceofSbM.AsubsetM⊆E(G)ofedgesiscalledab-matching ifwehaved M (v)≤b(v)foreachv∈V(G),whered M (v)denotesthenumberofedgesinM incidenttov.Ab-matchingMisstableifforeach{v,w}∈Mwehaveeither ...