对话二 Hello, good afternoon. 你好,下午好。 I have an inquiry to make. 我要咨询一个问题, It's about the vegetarian food festival you are holding on the 19th of August at the Newcastle City Hall. 是关于你们将于8月19日在纽卡斯尔市政厅举办的素食节。 Yes, of course. My name's Philip ...
对话一 Tom, did you see the article online about the new TV series based on the book The Three Body Problem? 汤姆,你在网上看到关于根据《三体》一书改编的新电视剧的文章了吗? A colleague mentioned the book, but I've been so busy writing my thesis that 1 haven't been able to read for...
对话一 Hi, I wish to buy some cheese for a barbecue this weekend. 嗨,我想买些奶酪,这个周末去烧烤。 What kind would you like? 您要哪种? Sorry, I don't know much about cheese. What type do you think would be suitable for a barbecue? 不好意思,我对奶酪了解不多。你认为烧烤时吃什么类...
结尾处往往涉及到建议、决定或某种行为等,它对整个对话起到一个总结的作用。 长对话的最后一题经常是针对对话的结尾设题,故留意其中的关键动词就成了解题的关键。 02留意对话中的一问一答 长对话中,对话双方往往出现多个一问一答,而这一恰恰是长对话的一个出题重点。 对话后面问题往往就是对话原文中问题的照搬或...
A) Do a master’s degree. B) Settle down in England. C) Travel widely. D) Teach overseas. 答案:D 以上是新东方在线小编带来2024年6月英语四级听力长对话常考场景之校园生活,希望考生们都能取得出色的成绩。 新东方英语四级好课免费听
在长对话中,对话双方在说话的过程中互动往往就是通过问答的方式推动的。 一般而言:提问方对应主题(一个回答有且只有一个主题,通过主题可以排除一些干扰选项);回答方对应态度。 因此在听场对话过程中一定要仔细关注对话中的问答环节。要注意说话人员的转换,转换...
(2017年6月四级听力长对话1) 快速浏览以上题目,通过luggage,flight,airport,hotel,porter这些词汇,我们可以推断出这段对话可能和旅馆、机场有关,大致话题可能会牵扯到这两地之间的交通,登机/离开机场,入住/离开旅馆等。 ▲接着逐题猜测题目内容。 第8题,time,2 h...
对话1 Thanks for inviting me out tonight. 谢谢你今晚邀请我出去。 I've been wanting to try this place for weeks. 几个星期以来我一直想来这里吃饭。 I usually pass it on my way home from work, but never seemed to have time to stop. ...
英语六级听力真题长对话 篇1 Conversation One M: So how long have you been a Market Research Consultant? W: Well, I started straight after finishing university. M: Did you study market research? W: Yeah, and it really helped me to get into the industry, but I have to say that it's ...
对话2 How did your annual performance evaluation meeting with your manager go? 你和经理的年度绩效评估会议开得怎么样? Did you get much in the way of praise? 你得到了很多赞美吗? Next to zero. 接近零。 When we came to the part about discussing my areas for growth, he bluntly told me tha...