Nail Spirit“钉钉子精神”的英文翻译是“Nail Spirit”。如果您还有其他英语学习需求或问题,请随时告诉我,我会尽力为您提供帮助。
钉钉子精神是指坚持不懈、认真负责、对工作尽职尽责的态度。在英语中,我们可以用“the spirit of nailing down the nail”来表达这一含义。除此之外,还有一些类似的表达,比如“stick-to-itiveness”、“perseverance”、“diligence”等等。无论如何,无论我们用什么表达方式,钉钉子精神都是一种非常重要的品质,也是在职...
你好,钉子精神的英文表达可以表示为:the spirit of driving the nail或者spirit of the nail(make the best use of one's time and work persistently to achieve one's purpose)亦或者 “nail” spirit!附:雷锋的“钉子精神”,意思就是学习要像钉钉子一样,要往里钻,要往里挤,钉子精神就...
钉钉子精神英文演讲稿 The Spirit of Nailing It: A Speech on the Can-Do Attitude。 Ladies and gentlemen,。 Today, I want to talk to you about the "钉钉子精神" the spirit of nailing it. This is a concept that is deeply rooted in the Chinese culture, and it represents a can-do attitude...