邓稼先的简介和事迹英语作文 Deng Jiaxian, a brilliant physicist and one of China"s most important scientists, was born in Anhui Province in 1924.His groundbreaking contributions to the country"s nuclear program have earned him the title of "Father of China"s Atomic Bomb." 邓稼先,一位杰出的物理...
邓稼先的英文简介:Born in Huaining County, Anhui Province on June 25, 1924, he is a scholar's family. In 1935, he was admitted to Zhicheng middle school. During his study, he was deeply influenced by the patriotic salvation movement.After the fall of Peiping in 1937, he secr...
邓稼先于1924年出生在安徽省怀宁县。Deng Jiaxian was born in Huaining County, Anhui Province in 1924.在北平上完小学和中学以后,于1945年自昆明西南联大毕业。After finishing primary and secondary school in Peiping, he graduated from Southwest Associated University in Kunming in 1945.1948年到1950年赴...
邓稼先于1924年10月21日出生在安徽省合肥市,从小展现出在数学和物理方面的异常天赋。后来,他进入清华大学学习,然后前往美国,在普渡大学和加州理工学院深造。 Deng's research in nuclear physics laid the foundation for China's atomic energy program, leading to significant advancements in thecountry's nuclear ...
邓稼先的故事简介英语作文 Deng Jiaxian, known as the "Father of China's Nuclear Program", was a prominent Chinese scientist who played a crucial role in China's nuclear weapons development. As a key member of the "Two Bombs, One Satellite" project, Deng'scontributions to China's scientific ...
Deng Jiaxian (June 25, 1924 -1986, July 29), Anhui Huaining, a renowned nuclear physicist and CAS academician.Deng Jiaxian the development of China's nuclear weapons development and the main organizer, leader, known as the "two bombs fathers." In the atomic and hydrogen bombs ...
大国脊梁|詹天佑|李四光|钱学森|邓稼先|华罗庚传 4.2万 恐龙大集结-叫声、英文、简介 2401 邓稼先|两弹元勋|中国核武器奠基人|温文儒雅的英雄 4.9万 邓稼先传:温文尔雅的坚守| 两弹元勋的传奇人生| 人物传记 753 简介 匿名用户2023-11-16 00:37 先找到中文的 用金山 复制过去 翻译 ...