造句的英文是“make a sentence”,也可以表达为“construct a sentence”。以下是对这一表述的详细解释: 核心表述: “造句”这一行为在英文中,最直接的翻译是“make a sentence”,意味着创建一个句子。同时,“construct a sentence”也是一个常用的表达,强调构建或构造句子的过程。 同义表达...
用英文造句简单 以下是一些简单的英文句子: 1、I am a student. (我是一名学生。) 2、She likes reading books. (她喜欢读书。) 3、He plays football every Sunday. (他每个星期天都踢足球。) 4、We went to the park last weekend. (我们上个周末去了公园。) 5、My cat is very cute. (我的猫...
用teacher造句英文 1. Mr. Smith is my favorite teacher. He always makes the lessons interesting. (史密斯先生是我最喜欢的老师。他总是能让课堂变得很有趣。)。 2. The teacher walked around the classroom, checking students' homework. (老师在教室里走来走去,检查学生们的作业。)。 3. Our math ...
造句的英文是:sentence-making。英[ˈsentəns ˈmeɪkɪŋ],美[ˈsentəns ˈmeɪkɪŋ]。造句的英文例句 1、Form sentences, using the following words.用下面的词语造句。2、Look at the pictures and make sentences after ...
1英文造句 SENTENCE MAKING1.come up with2.lead to3.force sb to sth4.be at risk 5.spend sth on sth6.from time to time7.in general8.accuess sb of sth9.according to10.no sign of sth11.in charge 12.at the thought of13.in the course of14.on sb's way除了那个字要有8字以上 反馈...
/ zao ju / zao ju 1.sentence-making 2.to make a sentence; to form a sentence 生辰测算手机吉凶2025年运势一生财运 性别: 男女 生日: 立即测试》 立即测试 立即测试 立即测试 2025流年运势 八字合婚配对 十年爱情桃花 八字一生运程 手机号码吉凶 ...
lava英文造句lava英文造句 1. The lava from the erupting volcano glowed brightly in the darkness. (从喷发的火山中流出的熔岩在黑暗中闪耀着明亮的光。)。 2. We watched in awe as the lava slowly made its way down the slope. (我们敬畏地看着熔岩缓缓地顺着山坡流下。)。 3. The ground trembled ...
英文造句 1、adapt 适应,使适应 I study hard in order to adapt to the social competition. 我努力学习以适应社会竞争。2、appreciate 欣赏,感激 He is very happy that his teacher highly appreciates his works. 他很高兴他的老师能欣赏他的作品。3、bother 打搅 Nothing can bother me when I am ...
英文短语造句 1.pass by 2.to one's surprise 3learn...from 4.take part in 5.give...up 答案2.To our surprise,he catches the last bus. 3.We should help each other and learn from each other. 4.We often take part in physical labour. 5.She asks him to give up smoking. 6.Please ...