The GPU failed to perform image processingbecause of an error.(由于错误,GPU无法执行图像处理。)Error Code: -59(错误代码:-59) 解决方法 仅是我接收到的解决方案,仅供参考。 1.达芬奇: 从“偏好设置-用户-解码选项-使用GPU 进行 Blackmagic RAW解码”关闭,重启达芬奇就好了。 关闭“使用GPU 进行 Blackmagic ...
The GPU failed to perform inage processing because of an error.Error Code:-59 心血来潮,想学习下达芬奇,结果连续两天折腾一个问题,百度了好多类似的问题都说更新驱动,去官网下载了从最新版本开始,一直到往前五个版本的驱动都没弄好,终于在一个贴吧的角落,有一个老哥说了解决办法,驱动不够老!!要再往前的...
1.GPU配置错误(常见为“DaVinci Resolve is using OpenCL for image processing because the installed Nvidia driver does not support CUDA 11.0…”) 2.不支持的GPU处理模式(Unsupported GPU processing mode) 3.GPU报错(代码报错,如“Davinci resolve gpu failed to perform image processing error 702”) 4.G...
1.GPU配置错误(常见为“DaVinci Resolve is using OpenCL for image processing because the installed Nvidia driver does not support CUDA 11.0…”) 2.不支持的GPU处理模式(Unsupported GPU processing mode) 3.GPU报错(代码报错,如“Davinci resolve gpu failed to perform image processing error 702”) 4.G...
The GPU failed to perform image processing because of anerror. Error Code:-59
3. **GPU报错**(代码报错,如“Davinci resolve gpu failed to perform image processing error 702”)4. **GPU显存已满**(GPU Memory Full)显卡性能与驱动前三类报错,常常与显卡性能、显卡驱动版本有关,我们放在一起讨论。如果对于硬件了解不够,或者不想看复杂的表格,可以直接跳到这一步,...
1.GPU配置错误(常见为“DaVinci Resolve is using OpenCL for image processing because the installed Nvidia driver does not support CUDA 11.0…”) 2.不支持的GPU处理模式(Unsupported GPU processing mode) 3.GPU报错(代码报错,如“Davinci resolve gpu failed to perform image processing error 702”) ...
1.GPU配置错误(常见为“DaVinci Resolve is using OpenCL for image processing because the installed Nvidia driver does not support CUDA 11.0…”) 2.不支持的GPU处理模式(Unsupported GPU processing mode) 3.GPU报错(代码报错,如“Davinci resolve gpu failed to perform image processing error 702”) ...
GPU 显存很重要(敲黑板) 达芬奇采用YRGB 32-bit浮点运算来确保极高的色彩精度。这些运算量非常大的图像处理全部是交给GPU来完成,甚至RAW素材的解拜耳运算也是由GPU完成,任何4K、6K或8K RAW文件都需要大显存GPU,哪怕你的时间线只是高清的。 处理UHD或者4K-DCI图像时,推荐使用有8GB或更多显存的GPU。
The GPU failed to perform image processing because of anerror. Error Code:-59 你拿个10年前的...