趁热打铁While the Irons Hotce修改器为趁热打铁的玩家提供了强大的游戏修改功能,通过修改我们可以轻松修改游戏中的各种数值,包括生命值、弹药量、金钱等,从而实现游戏中的无敌、无限资源等效果,更加自由地探索游戏世界,节省许多时间和精力,直接加快游戏进度通关。
在《While the Iron’s Hot》中,你将扮演铁匠学徒,努力学成出师,踏上充满神秘、机智和魅力的匠人冒险。锻造、熔炼和组合金属制品,精进你的铁匠技能,并发现精美的崭新造物。探索充满资源、宝藏、谜题的岛屿,结识各具雄心和设计的工匠伙伴。重建 Ellian 废弃已久的铁匠村废墟,恢复其往日辉煌,并提……显示全部 ...
Strike while the iron is hot: Seizing opportunities. The proverb "strike while the iron is hot" urges us to take advantage of favorable conditions or opportunities before they slip away. It emphasizes the importance of seizing the moment and acting decisively when the time is ripe. Procrastinatio...
由Bontemps Games开发的像素风冒险制作游戏《趁热打铁(While the Irons Hot)》正式登陆PS4/PS5/Switch/Xbox One/Xbox Series X|S/Steam平台,首发加入XGP,游戏支持中文,国区售价78元。 在《趁热打铁》之中,玩家将饰演一名铁匠学徒,勤奋修炼终有所成,开启一段充满未知、智慧与魅力的匠人冒险之旅。锤炼、熔铸以及...
Seizing the Moment: Striking While the Iron is Hot In the forge of life, opportunities often present themselves like hot irons, ready to be shaped into something meaningful. The adage "strike while the iron is hot" is a timeless piece of wisdom that encourages us to act promptly when the...
发售时间:2023年12月5日 官方网站:https://store.steampowered.com/app/1906830/While_the_Irons_Hot...
2、Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。 3、The car will find its way round the hill when it gets there. 车到山前必有路。 4、The heart is seen in wine. 酒后吐真言。 5、The worse luck now, the better another time. 风水轮流转。
By recognizing these "hot irons" and acting swiftly, we can maximize our chances of success and fulfillment. 趁热打铁勿失良机英语作文 趁热打铁勿失良机英语作文 英文回答: The idiom "strike while the iron is hot" emphasizes the importance of taking immediate action to capitalize on an opportune ...