美[bɜrθ] 英[bɜː(r)θ] n.出生;诞生;分娩;出身 网络起源;生产;重生 复数:births 搭配 同义词 反义词 v.+n. celebrate birth,mark birth,register birth 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 birth 显示所有例句 n. 1. [u][c] 出生;诞生;分娩the time when a baby is born; the process of...
诞生常见的英文表述有:be born、birth、emerge、come into being、come into the world 。 “be born”侧重于指个体的出生,例如:“The baby was born in a hospital.(这个婴儿在一家医院出生。)” “birth”既可以指人的出生,也可以指事物的起源,比如:“The birth of a new society in South Africa.(南非...
geniture,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“诞生;产生”。短语搭配 Almutem or Lord of Geniture 盘主星 双语例句 Kazak family members rarely have conflicts over property allocation, in which the ultimo geniture plays a significant role. It also balances the interests and sense of security...
诞生的英文翻译 emergebirthbe borncome into beingcome into the world 诞生汉英翻译 be born出生于…; 落地; 诞; 下生; come into the world出生; come into being开始存在; 长; 产生; 诞生; emerge出现,兴起; 摆脱; 暴露; 露头; naissance诞生,产生; ...
未诞生的 unborn 诞生 born 诞生的 natal 诞生站 birth 诞生石 birthstone 诞生时的星位 horoscopy 婴儿的诞生 visit 诞生地 birthplace 耶稣诞生地 Behtlehem 诞 birth 最新单词 转熔体英文怎么写及英语单词 peritectoi 转熔英语怎么说及英文翻译 peritectic 转氨酶用英语怎么说 aminotrans 转氨...
诞生的英文:be born参考例句: The story of the Nativity耶稣诞生的故事 The minivan was actually born at ford微型货车其实是在福特汽车公司诞生的。 We are sending a little gift for your new arrival.我们寄上一份薄礼,给你们新诞生的小宝宝。 Although the origi of taekwondo date back thousands of ...
/ dan sheng / dan sheng 1.[Formal] to be born; to come into being 广告x