视听说英语答案 第1篇 Unit1 Basic listening practice CDBDA Task1 (1)the first day(2)changing(3)really good(4)hard workers(5)went over her head (6)explained(7)notes(8)Wednesday(9)participation(10)education Task 2 1.extra training2.chemistry3.accounting4.many field of study5.better potenti...
1、Answers will vary(自我发挥) 2、Answers will vary(自我发挥) C. Vocabulary 1、h 2、j 3、d 4、g 5、c 6、b 7、a 8、f 9、e 10、I D. Listen for Main Ideas 1、A 2、A 3、B E. Listen for Examples 1、I want to make people smile. 2、I want to be famous. I want to make...
视听说大学英语教材答案 Unit 1 Listening Section A 1. A) Their major. 2. B) They find it quite challenging. 3. C) To select an elective course. 4. B) Visit different campus clubs. 5. A) Take the photographs. Section B 6. C) More cultural activities. 7. B) Students will have ...
319第1题选第一个第2题选第四个第3题选第二个刚做的百分百对819这个按顺序选刚牺牲自己做的百度上那答案没一个对依次是 视听说答案(完整版) 新时代交互英语视听说4级标准答案 Unit1 10/19 What does Talia→选最长 According to →Probaly sometime next year What is→He likes the idea...
U校园中新视野大学英语视听说教程2第三版 unit 2答案 战之空 U校园中新视野大学英语视听说教程2第三版 unit 7答案 Unit 7 Time of technology: A blessing or a curse? Listening to the world 7-2 Sharing Practice 1 Practice 21) enjoy 2) live without 3) plan my life 4) listening to music Practic...
新时代大学进阶英语视听说教程3答案。#英语 #大学生 #四六级 新时代大学进阶英语视听说教程3答案 - U校园答案帮于20231207发布在抖音,已经收获了1个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
教材:新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程1 作者:郑树棠 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 注:仅供参考 Unit 1 Traces of the past Sharing: Task 1 (1) their social life (2) whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last night Sharing: Task 2 (1) busy (2) friends (3...
大学生英语视听说答案最全 Unit1Answers: 1. 1.? ? Petra Fields 2. 2.? ? 1904 Broadway, San Francisco, CA 94001 3. 3.? ? 554-0912 4. 4.? ? Petra@ 5. 5.? ? March 19, 1980 6. 6.? ? Apple Computer Script 1. 1.? ? A: What is your name? B: Petra fields. 2. 2.?
英语视听说答案明智的做法是每个家庭都制定地震应急计划而且所有的家庭成员都应该知道在地震过后的混乱中如何离开那个地区 英语视听说答案 III 1. sensible 2. detect 3. precaution 4. occurrence 5. withstand 6. resistant 7. vertical 8. accidental 9. enclosed 10. fastened IV 1. come out of 2. watch ...