行政执法裁量权是行政执法领域中的行政裁量权。 But if the effective control of this right is absent, the discretional power of administrative law enforcement is apt to be exp...
刑罚裁量权 2) measuring penalty 刑罚裁量 1. Issues such as render- ing meritorious service inmeasuring penaltyand classification of meritorious services in penalty execution,classifica- tion of meritorious services of surrendering criminal and non-surrendering criminal,and classification of common meritori...
求翻译:行政自由裁量权是什么意思?待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 行政自由裁量权问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38 Administrative discretion热门同步练习册答案初中同步测控优化设计答案 长江作业本同步练习册答案 名校课堂助教型教辅答案 U计划学期系统复习答案 同步练习册课时练答案 能力培养与测试答案 ...
公诉裁量权1. In modern legal society, discretion power of public prosecution is of great significance because it is a key process which profoundly influences the criminal procedure, and it is also an important aspect related . 公诉裁量权,是指检察官以法律规则、原则与政策为依据,在审查决定是否...
检察官的起诉裁量权存在以诉权为核心的英美法系模式和以司法权为核心的大陆法系模式两种不同的模式。 2. There are two different models ofpro discretionary right:Continental law with judicial power as the core and Anglo-American law with the right of action as the core. ...
辩诉交易裁量权2) Plea-bargaining 辩诉交易权 1. Jurisprudential Analysis of Endowing the Right of Plea-bargaining to the Criminal Victim 赋予被害人辩诉交易权的法理分析3) plea bargain on sentence 量刑辩诉交易4) plea bargaining 辩诉交易 1. On the Founding of Plea Bargaining System in ...
集体滥用行政权是行政机关以集体之名义作出的表面上合法、实质上严重违法的以权谋私行为,具有欺骗性和巨大的破坏力。 6) On the Administravive Power s Abuse 论行政滥用职权 补充资料:裁量 1.鉴别,衡量。 2.裁度。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。
检察官的起诉裁量权存在以诉权为核心的英美法系和以司法权为核心的大陆法系两种不同模式。 更多例句>> 5) prosecutorial discretion 裁量不起诉 1. The system of prosecutorial discretion of delinquency is line with the theory of "ultima ratio of penalty",and conforms to the request of educational punis...