五、Confessional表白 第一次向对方告白,可以这样说: 30. "I've got a thing for you." 我对你有好感。 31. "I have feelings for you." 我对你有感觉。 32. "I feel something for you." 我对你有感觉。 33. "I'm drawn to you." 你被你吸引了。 34. "I think of you as more than a...
1. You complete me.(你是我的终点)2. You are my everything.(你是我的一切)3. I can't live without you.(没有你我无法生活)4. You mean the world to me.(你对我来说意义非凡)5. I'm crazy about you.(我对你痴迷)⋯⋯ 二、恋爱之喜 21. When I'm with you, I forget ev...
1. "I love you more than words can express."(我爱你,胜过千言万语。)这句话简单而深情,直接表达了你的爱意之深,无需过多修饰,却足以让人心动。2. "You are the sun in my morning, the moon in my night, and the stars in my dreams."(你是我早晨的太阳,夜晚的月亮,以及梦中的星辰。...
1. "You've stolen my heart, and I don't want it back."你偷走了我的心,而我不想要回来。2."with you,l found a love I no longer believed wasreal."和你在一起,我找到了我曾经不再相信真实存在的爱 3."Every moment spent with you is like a beautiful dreamcome true."与你共度的每一...
英语表白 英语表白大全 英语浪漫表白大全一: The most romantic words 好想牵着你的手,幸福道路一起走;好想搂着你的腰,从此快乐又逍遥;好想亲亲你的脸,我们相伴到永远! Want to hold your hand, happiness is the road go; want to hug your waist, then happy and free; want to kiss your face, we ...
英语高级表白情话 英语高级表白情话 1. You're the apple of my eye. 就像阳光对于花朵一样重要,你就是我生命中最重要的存在呀。比如,每次看到你,我心里都暖暖的。2. I can't live without you. 这就好比鱼不能没有水,我真的不能没有你啊!就像如果生活中没有了你,我都不知道该怎么办了。3. You...
英语情话表白1 1、我愿有你,别无他求。 I would like to have you, has no other desire. 2、饭在锅里,我在床上。 Rice in the pan, I in bed. 3、我若为王,你必为后。 If I as king, you will be later. 4、不管怎样,我相信你。 Anyway, I believe you. 5、我会努力挣钱,养你。 I ...
在看到喜欢的人时,大家也会不自觉地有类似的生理反应,久而久之“butterflies in my stomach” 就变成了表白的话术,有点类似中文里“小鹿乱撞”的意思。 你还可以用上另一个关于蝴蝶的动词: Flutter 使…颤动、拍(翅) 这指的就是蝴蝶在飞舞时的动作。
今天扇贝君为大家整理了花式表白的英语句子,挑一句向ta大胆表白吧~ Ta一定可以接收到你满满的爱意,给你期待的回应。 还没对象的贝贝们别伤心,相信你们马上就可以用到这些英语表白了~ 简单真诚系列 I have fallen for you. 我为你倾心。 I'm fond of you. 我喜欢你。 I fell in love with you. 我爱上了...