一、Slang(俚语)1.解释 所谓俚语,指的是民间非正式、同时较口语化的语句。就是方言嘛, 某个地域的人才熟悉。 2.示例 ①emo - very emotional(非常情绪化) Don't be so emo. Your boyfriend will be back next week. ②frenemy - someone you think is your friend, but your know is really your enemy...
(SXRIEnglish—英文工作室) 长按二维码可有惊喜发现呦!!!
🌟 职场达人必备!20个高频英文行话,让你在职场中游刃有余! 🔥 火速收藏!这些行话让你在职场中脱颖而出!📌 Get sth aligned: 保持认知一致,达成共识。 例如:I would like to get everyone aligned with our business goal. We need to make sure that we're in alignment with this idea.📌 Go the...
vernacularize是什么意思vernal是什么意思vernalization是什么意思vernacle是什么意思vermouth是什么意思 热门英文查询 sv是什么意思composition是什么意思feed是什么意思isis是什么意思atm是什么意思plane是什么意思cod是什么意思clerk是什么意思certain是什么意思search是什么意思 热门中文查询 朋友用英语怎么说专业用英语怎么说科学...
以下是一些职场必备的英文行话: 1.Greeting(问候): "Good morning/afternoon/evening, [Name]." "How are you doing today?" "Nice to see you." 2.Expressing Gratitude(表达感激): "Thank you for your help/support." "I appreciate your time and effort." "Thanks a bunch." 3.Making Requests(...
20个职场必备英文行话: 01 Get sth aligned 保持认知一致达成共识 = on the same page I would like to get everyone aligned with our business goal. We need to make sure that we're in alignment with this idea. 我希望大家能在商业目标/这个想法上达到一致。
/ hang hua / hang hua 1.jargon; cant; shoptalk; buzzwords 生辰测算手机吉凶2025年运势一生财运 性别: 男女 生日: 立即测试》 立即测试 立即测试 立即测试 2025流年运势 八字合婚配对 十年爱情桃花 八字一生运程 手机号码吉凶 心理测试大全 广告x
今天小森来分享20句职场英文行话 备考BEC、托业的同学也一定要掌握哦~ 01 Get sth aligned 保持认知一致达成共识 = on the same page ★ I would like to get everyone aligned with our business goal. ★We need to make sure that we're in alignment with ...