CentOS: 启动时间 - 7s,关机时间(shutdown now) - 2s Ubuntu: 启动时间 - 10s,关机时间(shutdown now) - 10s-180s(一直提示什么 a stop job is running xxx) 原因分析 OS 和外部的 VMware 虚拟硬件可能存在兼容问题,导致 Ubuntu 系统使用保守策略进行开关机。 发现第二次关机就正常了,Ubuntu 可能有什么自...
1. 服务器重启/关机时中出现 a stop job is running for XXXX 解决方案: /etc/systemctl/system.conf 中修改默认停止和启动时间参数,默认为 90 秒,改为10秒 然后执行 systemctl daemon-reload
可能会出现的问题 重启或者关机出现:A stop job is running for Session c2 of user ... (1min 30s) 解决: sudo gedit /etc/systemd/system.conf 去除默认的注释,修改为: DefaultTimeoutStartSec=1s DefaultTimeoutStopSec=1s DefaultRestartSec=100ms 重启: sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo reboot 开机出...
图2: Running job 的任务状态Figure 3: Changingfik iysfem图 3:改变文件系统属性第八步:创建虚拟机在将已捕捉的磁盘镜像迁移之前,你必须确保将要创建的虚拟机的内存、磁盘和网络配置与物理机相同。CreateVM.cmd( VMScript 生成的脚本之一)脚本可以 23、帮你自动完成这些工作。为了启动该脚本,打开一个 命令行窗口...
$JobNameString=$Job.CmdletName+""+$Job.ResultName #Loop while the job is running, writing progress using current step #and progress values from the job. while($job.status-eq"Running" Write-Progress-Activity"$JobNameString"-Status$Job.CurrentStep ...
# Run a VMM cmdlet that creates a job - in this example script, the # cmdlet is New-V2V, so the job is the creation of a new VM from an # existing VMware VM. ### $VM = New-V2V -VMXPath $LegacyVM -VMHost $VMHost -Name $VMName -Path $VMPath -Memory $Memory...
- cannot install the best candidate forthe job - package runc-1.0.0-64.rc10.module_el8.4.0+522+66908d0c.x86_64 is filtered out by modular filtering - package runc-1.0.0-65.rc10.module_el8.4.0+819+4afbd1d6.x86_64 is filtered out by modular filtering ...
NAND boot...S NAND boot...Second NAND boot...Second program loader running in sram...Tertiary...
batch/jenkins-x-gcpods 0/30 */3 * * * False 0 <none> 23m cronjob.batch/jenkins-x-gcpreviews 0 */3 * * * False 0 <none> 23m NAME GIT URL STATUS pipelineactivity.jenkins.io/xinglongjian-environment-healerwheat-production-master-1 Running pipelineactivity.jenkins.io/xinglongjian-...
domid convert a domain nameorUUID to domain id domif-setlink set link state of a virtual interface domiftune get/set parameters of a virtual interface domjobabort abort active domain job domjobinfo domain job information domname convert a domain idorUUID to domain name ...