ActualStrideDirection = CachedRootMotionDeltaTranslation.GetSafeNormal(UE_SMALL_NUMBER, PreviousStrideDirection); #if WITH_EDITORONLY_DATA // Graph driven Stride Warping expects a root motion delta to be present in the attribute stream. //确定获取跟运动成功,方便GatherDebugData调试。 bFoundRootMotionAt...
() //材质节点的输入 UPROPERTY() FExpressionInput Input; #if WITH_EDITOR //调用HLSLTranlator的函数来翻译HLSL代码 virtual int32 Compile(class FMaterialCompiler* Compiler, int32 OutputIndex) override; //材质节点的名字 virtual void GetCaption(TArray<FString>& OutCaptions) const override; #endif }...
#include "MaterialCompiler.h" #if WITH_EDITOR #include "MaterialGraph/MaterialGraphNode_Comment.h" #include "MaterialGraph/MaterialGraphNode.h" #include "Framework/Notifications/NotificationManager.h" #include "Widgets/Notifications/SNotificationList.h" #endif //WITH_EDITOR #define LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE "...
所以在运行时,可以去掉 editor-only metadata,而保持 runtime flags 一直有效 8. Unreal Build Tool (UBT) and Unreal Header Tool (UHT) act in concert to generate the data that is needed to power runtime reflection. UBT has to scan headers to do its job, and it remembers any modules that co...
during shutdown.// Accessing these modules at shutdown causes instability since the object system will have been shut down and these modules uses uobjects internally.FModuleManager::Get().UnloadModule("AssetTools",true);#endif// WITH_EDITORFModuleManager::Get().UnloadModule("WorldBrowser",true)...
void FConstraintInstance::PostSerialize(const FArchive& Ar) { #if WITH_EDITORONLY_DATA // ... if (Ar.IsLoading() && Ar.UEVer() < VER_UE_FIXUP_MOTOR_UNITS) { AngularVelocityTarget *= 1.f / (2.f * PI); } // ... #endif } ...
#ifWITH_EDITORONLY_DATA // ... if(Ar.IsLoading() && Ar.UEVer() < VER_UE_FIXUP_MOTOR_UNITS) { AngularVelocityTarget *=1.f/ (2.f* PI); } // ... #endif } 更改对LicenseeUEVer的UEVer函数调用将更改代码以使用被授权者版本号,而不是官方Epic版本号。建议想要保持...
#ifWITH_EDITORONLY_DATA // ... if(Ar.IsLoading() && Ar.UEVer() < VER_UE_FIXUP_MOTOR_UNITS) { AngularVelocityTarget *=1.f/ (2.f* PI); } // ... #endif } 更改对LicenseeUEVer的UEVer函数调用将更改代码以使用被授权者版本号,而不是官方Epic版本号。建议想要保持自己版本的虚幻引擎的非...
#if WITH_EDITORONLY_DATA inline uint32 GetNumTextureSamplers() const { return NumTextureSamplers; } inline uint32 GetCodeSize() const { return CodeSize; } inline void SetNumInstructions(uint32 Value) { NumInstructions = Value; } #else ...
//Just editor time void OceanRender::DrawTwiddleIndiceTexture_CPU(UTexture2D* RenderTexture2D) { #if WITH_EDITORONLY_DATA if (RenderTexture2D == nullptr) return; uint32 SizeX = RenderTexture2D->GetSizeX(); uint32 SizeY = RenderTexture2D->GetSizeY(); ...