英语 读书笔记 1 Yesterday,I read a book,the name of the book is《Dr Bethune》. Dr Bethune was a famous doctor From Canada.In 1938,he came to China.At that time ,China was at war with Japan.He worked as a doctor in the Chinese army and saved many soldiers’ lives.He worked very ...
英语读书笔记 1 I was so touched by the book "charlottes web",and several times I dropped tears of emotion. The book is about a pig Wilbur who was about to become a delicacy. In the barn he knew the spider charlotte, who had not slept for two days and two nights in order to rescue...
英语读书笔记 篇1 Hamlet " of Shakespear is a classical representative work. This book certainly does not have the big difference in the superficial plot with the historical fable, spoke or the Danish prince the story which revenged for the father, in which fills the rank smell of blood viole...
英语读书笔记 1 "Tess of the D’Urbervilles” is a famous British writer Thomas hardys representative tragic work. Which is a very significant part among his Novels of Character and Environment, but which is also much controversial. The female leading role is a pure, good and beautiful country ...
英语阅读读书笔记 篇11 This morning, I read the story of The Tom Thumb. I like it very much. Tom is a clever boy. He is very small, just as small as a thumb. One day, he had a travel. He had a lot of difficulties during his travel. He didn’t give up, he solved all the ...
英语读书笔记 篇一 1.《The Great Gatsby》by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925) 这本书描绘了20世纪20年代美国社会的浮华与空虚。主人公Jay Gatsby为了追求已嫁为人妇的Daisy,不惜一切代价跻身上流社会,最终却以悲剧收场。 生词:ostentatious(炫耀的)His ostentatious display of wealth made everyone uncomfortable. 短语...
英语读书笔记 篇1 This book was written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry . at the beginning of story . this story present his friend—— Leon Werth when he was a little boy .at the same time,He said ’ All grown-ups were once children-- although few of them remember it’ ...
英语读书笔记 1 Brief introduction: Amir is the son of the famous merchant in Afghanistan. There are two servants in his house, Ali and his son Hassan. Amir plays with Hassan all the time in his childhood. Hassan is Hazara, while Amir is Pashtuns. Hazara is discriminated against by Pashtuns...
英语读书笔记第1篇: TwentyThousandLeaguesundertheSea海底两万里 Storystartedin。Aronnax,anaturalhistorian,wasstudyingforalargemonsterunderthesea。Atthattime,themonster’smassagersweretravelingaroundtheworld。Aftertheinvestigation,hewouldreturnfromaboard。AndthenhereceivedaninvitationfromseaforcesofAmerica。So...