1.made from among alternative courses of action 是过去分词短语作定语 courses of action 行动方针 that are available 是定语从句,修饰概念短语“行动方针”2.The reason for making a decision is that a problem exists, goals or objectives are wrong, or something is standing in the way of accomplish...
定语从句The news that she will go abroad is true. 她将出国这消息是真的。同位语从句(【学生版不出现】:定语从句修饰的名词在定语从句中充当成分,而同位语从句则不充当成分)l 句型亮点:在英语中,改变一切用“人”作主语的习惯,学会直接用“物”作主语,该句中用come into London Zoo代替people in Lond...
高一英语必修一复习讲义(教师版).docx,高一英语复习讲义 B1U1 一.重点单词 1._amaze__vt.使惊奇;使惊诧→__amazing__ adj.令人大为惊奇的,令人惊喜的→_amazed__ adj.大为惊讶的→ ___amazement___ n.惊讶;惊奇 2. __advance_ n.进步,进展;前进,行进 vt.vi.发展→ __adva
高中英语全部语法讲义(共14个).pdf,I t 的用法 一 、它。 指无生命物 ,动物 ,植物 ,在性别不计或不详时也指人或幼孩 - Where is the cat? - Its in the garden. It can t be the postman at the door. Its only six oclock. What a beautiful baby ! Is it a boy? 二
新编英语教程3讲义.pdf,英语精读 综(合)3 教案 教材: 《新编英语教程》3 课时:9 6 课时 U nitl I. Objectives 1. Fast reading skills 2. Prediction of the passage 3. Vocabulary and structures IL Time Allotment (6 hours) The first two hours: ex lain Text I Th
chapter [ˈtʃæptər] n.章,回;篇 scene [sin] n.场景;现场;风景;景色 frame [freɪm] n.框架,结构;边框;骨架 context [ˈkɑntɛkst] n.上下文,背景;环境 appealing [əˈpiːlɪŋ] adj.吸引人的,有感染力的;诉诸情感的 process [ˈprɑsɛs] n.过程,进程;处理,加...
重点语法讲义及练习英语语法 1. 动词的时态和语态 1.1 动词的时态和语态一览表 时态语态 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时 主动被动 doare done didwere done will dowill be done 现在进行时 过去进行时 将来进行时 主动被动 are doingare being done were doingwere being done will be doing ...
---raiseachild养小孩raise:增加;提高;栽培;抚育37arouse:唤起;激起Ex:---ThebookarousesmyinterestinEnglish.(这本书引起我对英语的兴趣.)---arouseanxiety/curiosity/suspicion(引起不安/好奇心/怀疑)arouse:唤起;激起3812.reward;grant;allowance;pension;fund;reward:酬金 grant:助学金,奖学金 allowance:津贴,补...