大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)国歌:天佑国王(God Save the King)/天佑女王(God Save the Queen) 歌词和歌名随当朝君主的性别而有所改变:当在位的英国君主的性别为男性时,用“国王(King)”和“他(him)”;性别为女性时,用“女王(Que...
英语·走心歌词 1《No Matter What》(无论如何) No matter what they tell us, no matter what they do, no matter what they teach us, what we believe is true. 无论他们告诉我们什么,无论他们对我们做什么,无论他们教我们什么,我们坚...
You put one hand in 把一只手伸出来 You put one hand out 把这只手收回去 You put one hand in 把一只手伸出来 And you shake shake shake 摇啊摇 摇啊摇 You do the Hokey Pokey 做这些动作吧 And turn around 转个圈 Everybody turn around 大家一起转...
励志英文歌:Dream It Possible,献给每一位努力奔跑的追梦人 文章来自维克多英语 梦想需要时间打磨,需要饱经风雨历练,还可能经历迷茫、失望和黑暗,哪怕前方会有让你不知所措的坎坷,但只要勇往直前,就能冲破层层浓雾,让阳光穿透云层散发炙热光芒。相信自己、敢于挑战,追逐梦想。Dream It Possible!Dream It Possib...
It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon 周日的午后又下着雨 I'm wasting my time I got nothing to do 除了消磨时间 我没什么事情可做 I'm hanging around I'm waiting for you 我徘徊 我在等待你的到来 But nothing ever happens and I wonder 但什么也没有发生 我很诧异 I'm driving around in ...
经典英语歌词:CountingStars Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep 最近我总是辗转反侧难以⼊眠 Dreaming about the things that we could be 对我们曾有过的愿景浮想联翩 But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,但亲爱的我早已在内⼼深处祈祷着 Said, no more counting dollars 祈祷...
把动词的时态语法研究透彻,基本上看英文各类文章和歌曲歌词,就是查一下陌生单词和词组的意思,就理解了。海涛英语 英文歌曲教学系列 第1首 Yesterday once more 昨日重现 When I was young当 我年轻的时候(am的过去式 was)I'd listen to the radio我喜欢收听广播 (will的过去式 would)Waiting for my favorite...
1、You are not aloneAnother day has gone,I'm still all alone,How could this be,You're not here with me,You never said goodbye,Someone tell me why,Did you have to go,And leave my world so cold,Everyday I sit and ask myself,How did love slip away,Something whispers in my ear ...
13、you go 你还是走了Let it go 随它吧You Are My Sunshine(歌词)You are my sunshine my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are grey当天空乌云密布时是你使我快乐Youll never know dear how much I love youSo please dont take my sunshine awayTry EverythingOh oh oh oh oooh哦哦哦哦...