英语智力题大全及答案 1、Why is the letter E so important? 答案:Because letter E is the beginning of everything 解析:为什么字母E非常重要 因为字母E是“所有事情”(everything)的开始(字母) 2、Why are the letter G and letter S in "gloves" close to each other? 答案:Because there is love be...
英语智力题含答案 热度: 英语智力题(Word版,9页,含答案) 热度: 学生智力题知识汇编【含答案】 热度: 相关推荐 oneofthefollowingfiveisleastliketheotherfour Cat-Lion-Dog-Turtle-Elephant 这道题很简单,cat(猫)、lion(狮子)、Dog(狗)和elephant(大象)都是哺乳动物 mammal,而turtle,乌龟是在海滩上下了...
英语智力题及答案 1.Whoworksonlyonedayinayearbutnevergetsfired? 2.Howcanyoumake6outofthree7s 3.Howcanyoumake1000outofeight8s 4.Apoliceofficerhadabrother,butthebrotherhadnobrother.Howcouldthatbe? 5.Whatkindofdogneverbite 1.答案:SantaClaus 解析:这题关键要理解词组...
2023年英语竞赛智力题含答案.pdf,1.Which one of the following five is least like the other four? Cat - Lion - Dog - Turtle - Elephant 这道题很简朴,cat (猫)、lion (狮子)、Dog (狗)和 elephant (大象)都是哺乳动物 mammal ,而 turtle ,乌龟是在海滩上下
英语竞赛智力题单选20题 1.-whatwillyousaywhenyouareindanger? -___! a.imafraidb.sosc.helpd.please 2.-cantyouseethesignbytheroad?moveyourcaraway. -sorry,ididntsee___here. a.dangerb.nosmoking c.exitd.noparking 3.imnotquitemyself.meansim___. a.feelingblueb.notvery...
英语智力题(本站推荐篇一 八年级英语智力训练题 1、Why is the letter E so important? 答案:Because letter E is the beginning of everything2、Why are the letter G and letter S in “gloves” close to each other?答案:Because there is love between them.3、What does everybody do at the same...
英语智力题汇总——2024年整理.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 》》》历年考试真题《《《 卷一 一、选择正确选项。(每小题2分,满分10分) ()1.Itsrainingcatsanddogs.WhatdoestheunderlinedphrasemeaninChinese? A.下猫狗B.倾盆...
英语趣味智力题 1. What month do soldiers hate? --March (三月,行军) 2. How many feet are there in a yard? --It depends on how many people stand in the yard. (码,院子) 3. Why is an empty purse always the same? --There is no change in it. (零钱,变化) 4. What book has th...
英语智力题大全及答案 1、Why is the letter E so important? 答案:Because letter E is the beginning of everything 解析:为什么字母E非常重要 因为字母E是“所有事情”(everything)的开始(字母) 2、Why are the letter G and letter S in "gloves" close to each other?