英语新闻报道(一): st March, in hopes of raising the environmental awareness of the public. At about 5:00 pm, 35 students representatives went to the park to pick up the litter. When they were collecting the litter, many visitors came to help, showing considerable appreciation and support. ...
新闻报道范文10篇英语新闻报道范文 1. Air Pollution Reaches Dangerous Levels in Major City. English: Air pollution levels in the major metropolis have reached alarming levels, posing a significant threat to public health. The city's air quality monitoring system consistently records concentrations of ...
英语新闻报道(精选20篇).pdf,英语新闻报道(精选20篇) 英语新闻报道 (一): st March, in hopes of raising the environmental awareness of the public. Atabout5:00pm, 35 studentsrepresentativeswent to the park to pick up the litter. When they were collecting
新闻报道英语作文 1 Video footage shows a man forced to run alongside amoving high speed train after getting his fingerclamped between one of the doors. The video was filmed on May 15 at a station inChangzhou, east China"s Jiangsu province, accordingto the People"s Daily Online. After some...
一个有效的方法是集中练习同一体裁的应用文。以下是4篇高中英语新闻报道范文,帮助你轻松掌握写作技巧。📰 范文一:新闻报道的基本结构 这篇范文详细标注了作文的要点、句式和语法重点。你可以先学习这篇范文的写法,然后应用到后面的练习中。📖 练习:试着自己写一篇新闻报道,然后对照范文进行检查。
英语新闻稿篇1 This evening there are 18 programs from the undergraduate, self-taught, postgraduate, training class, trainees, and school associations. More than 1400 people, including leaders, leaders, brothers, secretary, staff, undergraduates, self-taught students, postgraduates and trainees, watched...
英语作文新闻报道范文 第1篇 The Indian Space Research Organisation"s GSAT-9on board the Geosynchronous Satellite LaunchVehicle (GSLV-F0(9), launches in Sriharikota in thestate of Andhra Pradesh.AFP 印度太空研究组织的地球同步卫星运载火箭,搭载着GSAT-9通讯卫星,在安得拉邦的斯里赫里戈達島发射。 India ...
1.人名、地名翻译报道要沿用公认名词, 英语新闻报道中对于人名、地名的翻译要沿用我国出版物使用已久的名词,不要另起炉灶,例如人名“伊利莎白”、“比尔盖茨”“巴菲特”等,地名“洛杉矶”“纽约”等,如果在报道翻译时对这些公认的名词进行“创新”,只会让读者受众感到困惑不解,达到适得其反的效果,严重的话还很可...
新闻报道3 A village is going to throw a birthday party for an orange cat named Wilbur, who has become famous for making a regular appearance at local shops. 一个村庄将为一只名叫威尔伯的橘猫举办生日派对,这只猫因经常出现在当地的商店而为人熟知。 Wilbur has his own Internet pages as he appro...