英语投诉信 1 Dear Sir or Madam, I bought an electronic dictionary from your online store on January 1st,but I found it has some problems after using it for a short period of time. To begin with,the battery needs recharging after a mere 2 hours of use.This means that I need to carry...
高三英语作文带翻译:投诉信 1 Dear Sales Manager, 亲爱的销售经理, This letter is a complaint concerning the actions of one of your salespersons. On Tuesday, May 5, 2012, around 2 P.m.., I went to your store to look for a T-shirt. When I asked a salesperson, Ms. Wang for help in...
投诉信英语作文(通用5篇)范文一: DearSir/Madam, Iamwritingtoexpressmydissatisfactionwiththerecentpurchaseofanewlaptopfromyourcompany.ItseemsthatIhavebeenmisledbythesalespersonwhopromisedmeanupgradedmodelbutdeliveredmeabasiconeinstead.Thepricedifferenceisquitesignificant,andithasleftmefeelingcheatedanddisappointed. Iwa...
英语作文投诉信 1 Dear Sales Manager, This letter is a complaint concerning the actions of one of your salespersons. On Tuesday, May 5, 2012, around 2 P.m, I went to your store to look for a T-shirt. When I asked a salesperson, Ms. Wang for help in finding my size, she informed...
高三英语作文带翻译:投诉信 1 Dear Sales Manager, 亲爱的销售经理, This letter is a complaint concerning the actions of one of your salespersons. On Tuesday, May 5, 2012, around 2 P.m.., I went to your store to look for a T-shirt. When I asked a salesperson, Ms. Wang for help in...
英语投诉信 篇1 Dear Mr. Manager, I'm writing to complain about the poor quality of shoes in your store. One month ago I bought a pair of shoes from your store. It wears well as I like.However, it was broken in less than a month. It disappointed me much. I choose to complain to...
投诉信英语作文 篇1 题目: You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because your roommate always has friends visiting and has parties in the room. Write a letter to the Accommodation Officer at the college and ask for a ...
投诉信英语范文(篇一) Sunny Company 34 Zhongcheng Road Jinlian Building Shanghai September 12, 2023 Sales manager Elegance Clothing Company 45 West Street, Nanjing Jiangsu Province Dear Mr。 Chang: On September 10, our order for 280 women s cotton sweaters was duly received, but we regret to ...
英语投诉信例文 第1篇 英语投诉信例文两篇 Dear Sir or Madam: I am writing to express/air dissatisfaction/disappointment/concern regarding accommodation.I would prefer to move into a single room next semester,as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient.I must explain that the reason for ...