幽默简短的英语小故事 19 The fire started Saturday afternoon. Fire officials didn’t yet know how it started, but they suspected arson. Arsonists listen to weather reports. They get excited when they hear that the Los Angeles area is going to have Santa Ana winds, which can blow steadily at...
简短的英语幽默小故事篇一 Gone Shopping 购物 Our supermarket had a sald on boneless chicken breasts,and a woman I know ontended tostock up . 我们的超级市,场在廉价拍卖无骨鸡胸,我认识的某位女士打算去多买一些。 At the store,However,she was disappointed to find only a few skimpy prepackaged ...
双人英语课前幽默简短小故事集 **Story 1: The Wrong Number** A: Hi, is this Mr. Smith? B: No, this is Mr. Johnson. A: Oh, sorry, I have the wrong number. B: No problem, but how did you get my number if it's the wrong one? A: I dialed 110 and asked for the police. ...
约翰:我知道,但是公交车上的那只狗也不知道要去哪里! 这个故事里的约翰可真是个小机灵鬼呢,不过他的理由也真是让人哭笑不得呀!
1、本文格式为word版,下载可任意编辑【英语小故事2分钟幽默】 幼儿简短英语小故事 幼儿英语故事是提高英语教学的有效方法之一,幼儿英语故事教学是幼儿英语教学中的一种基本形式。我细心收集了2分钟幽默英语小故事,供大家观赏学习! 2分钟幽默英语小故事篇1 the irish doctor said to his patient, for the life of ...
英语小故事带翻译幽默简短 30词左右幽默简短的英语小故事,帮助大家快速记住英语单词。英 语小故事(一) Everybodydreamsofdoingsomethingimportant.AsaboyRaymonddreamedofbeingasc ientist,infact,heisapostmannow.Raymondisanactiveyoungman.Helivesbythesaying“ Ifyoucan’tlivethelifeyoulove,lovethelifeyoulive”Hegre...
简短的幽默英语故事:A Secret of Long Life长寿的秘密Grandpa was celebratinghis 100th birthday, and everyone was complimenting him on how wellhe looked.爷爷正在庆祝他的100岁生日,每个人都在夸赞他气色看起来多好。"I"ll tell you the secret," he said, "My wife and I were married seventy-five ...
英语小故事带翻译幽默简短 30词左右幽默简短的英语小故事,帮助大家快速记住英语单词。英 语小故事(一) Everybodydreamsofdoingsomethingimportant.AsaboyRaymonddreamedofbeingasc ientist,infact,heisapostmannow.Raymondisanactiveyoungman.Helivesbythesaying“ Ifyoucan’tlivethelifeyoulove,lovethelifeyoulive”Hegre...