Here are some explanations in English:https://ellii.com/blog/teaching-articles-a-an-a...https:...
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“I’d like to explore potential solutions that benefit both parties.” (双方にとって有益な解決策を探りたいと思います) お互いの利益を考慮しながら解決策を見つける姿勢を示します。 “Could we find a middle ground on this issue?” ...
Can you please improve this? あ..., 日本語で「bias」が「お気に入り」だって知ったところ。 I thought it's バイアス。 日本語文法について質問できる 'HiNative' というアプリを見つけた。英語文法について質問答えることもできる。今から, 目的は毎日日記に日本語で書く。
unusual.A: Is that an X?B: Is what an X?A: That, that *thing*, is it an X?
Yeah this is one that doesn't translate really well into English. If I were speaking casually to a friend I'd might say he has a different vibe. If I were speaking to someone who knew Japanese I might say "atmosphere" even though it's a little odd in English (strictly speaking I th...
you-got-this 8月14日 日语 thank you!この文章でdoはどういう意味になりますか? lrika 8月15日 英语(美国) You’re welcome :) doは何かをする方法を意味する。例えば、私はこのビデオを少し違った方法でやるつもりです。 Highly-rated answerer ...
This article is an individual impression based on the individual's experience. It has nothing to do with the organization or business to which I currently belong. 文書履歴(document history) ver. 0.01 初稿 14 20190820 ver. 0.02 15 20190821 ...