第一步:一句英文一句中文,这里英文完全照书读,中文翻译要口语化,不用拘泥于逐词翻译,除非孩子问问题,否则不要自行加上中文解释。 第二步:一英一中读完3次,以后只读英文。次数可以视孩子的接受程度灵活调整,不必刻板追求3次。 第三步:每本读熟了,再加下一本。所谓的书读百遍其义自见,就是这个道理。 父母在...
用marginnote来做英文书阅读笔记太爽了|手残党也能写出好看字 #iPad #ipad使用技巧 #ipad写字技巧 #marginnote #写字好看的技巧 #ipad写字 - 野生英语教练Mindy于20240226发布在抖音,已经收获了20.4万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
注:本文转载自 漫撩英语 作者:笔记小怪兽 未经授权不得转载(原文已更至27章) * 正文定语从句用下划线标出。Chapter 1-1 Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book, called True S…
这个app录音质量还可以,但是阅读理解题会有时候比网站安排的所属年段的语言能力水平要高。我是作为一个资源网站给到家长和学生用,能解决相当多一批家长不知道怎么给小孩挑书的问题,也能解决一部分家长叫不动小孩在家读英文书的问题。 自从疫情期间几个月读下来,能坚持的学生的阅读输入还是比较大的,后来恢复正常教学...
- Commitment is when they put skin in the game. - The less expensive the product, the more likely they are to impulse buy, which means fewer touches. But the more expensive the product, the more they will need to hear from - you before they will take a risk. ...
注:本文转载自 漫撩英语 作者:笔记小怪兽 未经授权不得转载(原文已更至27章) * 正文定语从句用下划线标出。 On the fifth day—again, as always, it was thanks to the sheep— the secret of the little pri…
注:本文转载自 漫撩英语 作者:笔记小怪兽 未经授权不得转载(原文已更至27章) * 正文定语从句用下划线标出。 It took me a long time to learn where he came from. The little prince, who asked me so many questions, never seemed to hear the ones I asked him. It was from words dropped by cha...