The success of this teacher student evening show has fully demonstrated the demeanor and vitality of our college students, highlighted the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the automation college, and offered a modest effort for the college to write a new harmonious chapter. 英语新闻稿 篇2 In ...
短篇新闻稿 1:今年以来,县工商局积极为挂点的安怀镇福平村办实事,支持该村灾后重建资金5000多元,捐赠价值7000元篮球架一副。(黎树荣黎显杰) 2:11月10日,平南供电公司举办职工代表培训班,县总工会副主席易超珍为参加培训的80多人讲解了职代会的有关知识。(谢锦秀) 3:11月15日,马练瑶族乡40余名适龄应征青年...
短篇英文新闻报道 【篇一:英语短新闻】 英语短新闻:un security council to meet on ukraine the united nations security council will hold an emergency closed-door meeting to discuss the rising tension in ukraine. tension in the country increased over the weekend after the ukrainian government gave pro...
英文新闻报道短篇篇一:英语新闻报道短篇英语新闻报道短篇60词 BBC News with Julie Candler. Hillary Clinton is to launch her bid to e the first female President of the United States on Sunday. The former Secretary of State is expected to use a video posted on the Internet to announce that shes...
1、英文新闻报道短篇篇一:英语新闻必须记住的60个短词 新闻英语 看英语新闻必须记住的60个短语 备不时之需 英语新闻标题总是力求用有限的字数来表达新闻的内容,为此,在措词上尤其要狠下功夫,选词尽可能经济达意、简短明了,偏爱选用那些短小精悍或字母最少的动词。如表示“破坏”或“损坏”一词意义的动词,标题一般...
英文新闻报道短篇 United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon met fellow countryman and global popstar PSY for some 'Gangnam Style' dancing at the UN headquarters in New York last night.联合国秘书长潘基文当地时间周二晚上晚上在纽约的联合国总部..。 Myanmar announces more series of election results ...
5、雅虎新闻: 英文新闻范文第2篇 双语教学不能等同于外语教学,以英语为主的外语只是帮助学生掌握新闻学采写技能、前沿理论知识的一种手段。有学者认为,国际新闻传播硕士专业应该培养学生的三种核心能力:“国际传播能力(外语报道能力)、新媒体传播能力(技术)和由各科综合知识支撑的宏观逻辑分析能力”,笔者认为,这三种能力...
日期:2023-12-21Concern over rich-poor divide 疫情下贫富差距受关注 People have become more concerned about the gap between rich and poor during the coronavirus pandemic, especially the young, authors of a new global study said, urging governments to take steps to r...阅读全文>> ...