英文招聘广告范文_ 英文招聘启事(通用 11篇) 英文招聘广告范文_ _ 英文招聘启事 篇篇 1 Wanted Project Management Assistant Responsibility: ---Provide service for the project in Chongqing. ---Provide assistance to the project manager for everyday work. ---Responsible for file management, customer serv...
本文是小编为大家整理的英文招聘广告范文,仅供参考。 英文招聘广告范文一 Wanted Project Management Assistant Responsibility: ---Provide service for the project in Chongqing. ---Provide assistance to the project manager for everyday work. ---Responsible for file management, customer service for students ...
本文是小编为大家整理的英文招聘广告范文,仅供参考。 英文招聘广告范文一 Wanted Project Management Assistant Responsibility: ---Provide service for the project in Chongqing. ---Provide assistance to the project manager for everyday work. ---Responsible for file management, customer service for students ...
英文招聘广告文案范文 篇1 Assistant Marketing Manger — HMTOYS Ltd We are a well-known international toy manufacturer, based in the HK, and we are expanding our export marketing activities in Europe. We are looking for enthusiastic people to join us. The work will involve telephoning and corresp...
英文招聘广告范文_英文招聘启事 篇1 The South Australian Tourism Commission is an inspiring organisation, leading the way in the world’s most dynamic industry. We develop and promote the best that South Australia has to offer through marketing the state, building the destination and creating jobs....
英文招聘广告范文一: Wanted ProjetManagementAssistant Responsibilit: ---ProvideserviefortheprojetinChongqing. ---Provideassistanetotheprojetmanagerforeverdaork. ---Responsibleforfilemanagement,ustomerservief...
英文招聘广告范文一 Wanted Projet Management Assistant Responsibilit: ---Provide servie for the projet in Chongqing. ---Provide assistane to the projet manager for everda ork. ---Responsible for file management, ustomer servie for students and parents Requirements: ---College degree and above -...
英文招聘广告范文一 Wante d Proje t Manage ment Ass istant Responsi bilit:---Provi de servi e for th e projet in Chon gqing.---Provi de assis tane tothe proj et manag er for e verda or k....
英文招聘广告文案范文 篇1 Wanted Project Management Assistant Responsibility: ---Provide service for the project in Chongqing. ---Provide assistance to the project manager for everyday work. ---Responsible for file management, customer service for students and parents ...
英文招聘广告范文一 Wanted ProjetManagementAssistant Responsibilit: ---ProvideserviefortheprojetinChongqing. ---Provideassistanetotheprojetmanagerforeverdaork. ...