英文唁电范文第二以沉痛的心情简述双方在交往中逝者生前所表现的优秀品德及功第三表达致电单位或个人对逝者遗志的继承和决心或表达一定要在逝者优秀品德或精神的感召下奋勇前进第四向逝者家属表示亲切的问候和安慰 英文唁电范文 篇一:英文 慰问函 唁电函 慰问函,唁电函 范例一 Dear Mr. Roberts, We were distressed...
〔英文唁电范文〕 *篇一:英文慰问函唁电函 慰问函,唁电函 范例一 DearMr.Roberts, WeweredistressedtoreadinTheTimesthismorningofthedeathofyourChairmanandIamwritingatoncetoexpressourdeepsympathy. IhadtheprivilegeofknowingLordLangleyformanyyearsandalwaysregardedhimasapersonalfriend.Byhisuntimelypassing,ourindustryhas...
英文唁电(范文) 英文唁电(范文) 留我心中 寄哀思 心灵的羁绊 To: XXXX (Company Name) Attn: XXXX( Receiver's name) From: (sender's name) Date: Re: Letter of Condolence Dear Mr. XXXX, We are greatly shocked and in great sorrow on hearing the sudden death of Mr. (Mrs) ???, and we...
英文唁电(范文) 英文唁电 To:XXXX(CompanyName) Attn:XXXX(Receiver’sname) From:(sender’sname) Date: Re:LetterofCondolence DearMr.XXXX, Wearegreatlyshockedandingreatsorrowonhearing thesuddendeathofMr.(Mrs)???,andwestillcan’tbelievethat wehavelostsuchaniceperson,agoodpartner,andanold friend.Weare...
英文唁电范文 篇一:唁电范本 唁电 成都理工大学**同志治丧委员会: 惊悉**同志逝世的噩耗,我们深感悲痛。 **同志是我国著名地质学家、地质教育家、地球化学专家,他毕生献身于我国 地质学研究和教育事业,取得丰硕的成果,受到同行的尊敬。任**学院党委书记 期间,他带领学院师生员工砥砺奋进,为学校的发展做出了巨大的...
英文唁电范文 篇一:英文 慰问函 唁电函 慰问函,唁电函 范例一 Dear Mr. Roberts, We were distressed to read in The Times this morning of the death of your Chairman and I am writing at once to express our deep sympathy. I had the privilege of knowing Lord Langley for many years and always...
英文唁电范文 篇一:英文慰问函唁电函 慰问函,唁电函 范例一 Dear Mr. Roberts, We were distressed to read in The Times this morning of the death of your Chairman and I am writing at once to express our deep sympathy. I had the privilege of knowing Lord Langley for many years and always ...
英文唁电范文篇一:英文慰问函唁电函慰问函,唁电函范例一 DearMr.Roberts, WeweredistressedtoreadinTheTimesthismorningofthedeathofyourChairmanandIamwritingatoncetoexpressourdeepsympathy. IhadtheprivilegeofknowingLordLangleyformanyyearsandalwaysregardedhimasapersonalfriend.Byhisuntimelypassing,ourindustryhaslostoneof...