舞狮的英语翻译是“lion dance”。 “lion”作为名词,发音为英[ˈlaɪən],美[ˈlaɪən],意思是“狮子;名人;[天文学、占星术]狮子(星)座;勇士,名流”。“dance”作为名词时,发音为英[dɑːns],美[dæns],意思是“跳舞,舞蹈,舞会”;作为动词时,意思是“跳舞”。二者组合起来“lion dance...
舞狮在英语中可以表达为 "Lion dance"。这个短语由两个英文单词组成:“Lion” 意为狮子,而“dance” 则表示跳舞或舞蹈。 - 发音:英文的 "Lion dance" 发音如下: - 英式发音:[ˈlaɪən dɑːns] - 美式发音:[ˈlaɪən dæns] - 词性: - "Lion" 是名词,意为狮子,既可以指动物,也可...
舞狮英语单词: lion dance 舞狮的英语例句: 舞龙和舞狮活动存在。 There is dragon and lion dancing. 这是他第一次看舞狮子。 This is his first time to watch the lion dance. 舞狮运动是一项民族传统体育项目。 Northern lion dance is a national tradition of sport. 你可以去看舞狮。 You can go and...
Chinese lion dances are performed by two“dancers” in a lion costume, rather like a pantomime horse. The performers become the body of the lion: the one in front is the head and front limbs, the one behind is the back and hind legs. 中国的舞狮是由两个“舞者”穿着狮子服装表演的,有...
英语介绍舞狮The lion dance, also known as "dance lion" or "lion dance," is a traditional and popular folk art form in China, with a history of more than 2,000 years. It is often performed during the Spring Festival and other festive occasions to bring good luck, prosperity, and ...
“舞狮”的英语翻译为“lion dance”。 应用场景: “Lion dance”通常用于描述中国新年或其他庆祝活动中表演的传统舞蹈,其中舞者模仿狮子的动作,寓意着驱邪避凶、带来好运。 造句例句: 中文:春节期间,街头巷尾经常可以看到舞狮表演。 英文:During the Spring Festival, lion dance perfo...
“舞狮”的英语是“lion dance”。 “lion”是名词,读音:英[ˈlaɪən],美[ˈlaɪən],有“狮子;名人;[天文学、占星术]狮子(星)座;勇士,名流”的意思。“dance”同样可作名词和动词,读音:英[dɑːns],美[dæns],作名词时表示“跳舞,舞蹈,舞会”,作动词时表示“跳舞”。 例如:Lion ...
介绍舞狮英语版 Lion dance, also known as舞狮(wǔ shī) in Chinese, is a traditional Chinese performance art that has been practiced for centuries. It is a form of dance that involves two performers dressed in a lion costume, mimicking the movements of a lion in away that is meant to ...
舞狮的英文表达是“lion dance”。这个词组直接描述了这种传统艺术形式的核心——通过舞动装饰成狮子形状的道具来进行表演。舞狮在中国文化中非常受欢迎,尤其是在节日和庆典中,它象征着吉祥、力量和好运。 例如,在描述一个节日庆典的场景时,你可以说:“During the festival celebration, there were various performances...