中国科学院2022年考博英语真题 PART I VOCABULARY (15 minutes, 10 points, 0.5 point each) Directions:Choose the word or expression below each sentence that best completes the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-sc...
2023考博英语真题及答案 PART 1 TRANSLATION (Chinese to English ) 1.为了减缓交通,提高空气质量,北京公布了新的交通规章。 To relieve the traffic and improve the air quality, new traffic regulations have been issued in Beijing. 考点一:减缓交通(relieve the traffic) 考点二:公布(issue) 2.有牢靠的...
一、全国医学考博英语考试题型 试卷结构 试卷分为试卷一(paper one)和试卷二(paper two)。试卷一包括听力(30%)、词语用法(10%)、完型填空(10%)和阅读理解(30%),答卷时间115分钟;试卷二包括书面表达(20%),答卷时间50分钟。 试卷二(paper two)即part v 书面表达(writing),旨在测试考生使用英语书面表达自己思想...
考博英语-613_真题-无答案考博英语 ( Part Ⅱ Vocabulary 1. By dint of much practice, he became ___ and was able to sign his name with either hand. A. practical B. tricky C. ambiguous D. ambidextrous 2. Henry David Thoreau used to ramble through the woods before he wrote his most ...
点击【图片】获取10-23年医学统考真题👇 全国医学考博英语考试试卷分为试卷一(paper one)和试卷二(paper two)。 试卷一包括听力(30%)、词语用法(10%)、完形填空(10%)和阅读理解(30%),答卷时间115分钟;试卷二包括书面表达(20%),答卷时间50分钟。
5)It is likely thattask2:主题是医疗大健康科技创新和进步是…,人类由此迈入大数据时代。 task1:假如你是王华,作为Ph.D candidate,给你的supervisor:p…
2023年医学考博英语真题及答案2023 1、There ___ some milk in the glass. [单选题] * A. is(正确答案) B. are C. have D. has 2、We were caught in a traffic jam. By the time we arrived at the airport the plane ___. [单选题] * A. will take off B. would take off C. has ta...
23年全国医学博士英语统考真题来啦! 题型: 听力 词汇 完型 阅读理解 书面表达 一、听力 姚老师独家整理的2023年医学考博听力原文加选项来了! 划线的是可能答案,黄色是答案句,绿色部分的题目未知,欢迎大家讨论 National English proficiency test for doctoral candidates of m...
北京大学考博英语真题及答案.docx原创力文档是网络服务平台方若您的权利被侵害侵权客服qq Part Two: Structure and Written Expression20 Directions: In each question decide which of four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Mark your choices on the ...