Old school means something close to old-fashioned, but it's a term with more pride behind it. If someone says, “I'm old school,” they're saying they do it like it used to be done, which they believe was a betterway.这个表达的含义是,守旧派,老派,更多的时候是褒义,里面有一点自豪...
old旧的,school学校,但是这两个词组合起来可不是你想的“老学校”那么简单。 其实这里的“school”主要表示“流派、学派、风格”。所以“old school” 指的是老一套、老做派、传统手法等。 用“old school.”形容人和事的时候,传递的感觉要比“traditional”...
"Old school" 就是指那些古老、传统、经典的东西或风格。如果说某人或某物是 "old school",就意味着它们保持了一种过去的风格或传统,可能是因为对过去的尊重或怀旧感。例句:The professor prefersold school teaching methods, like using chalk and blackboard. 这位教授更喜欢传统的教学方法,比如使...
Old School,字面理解,“school”就是“学校”的意思,老派前辈谦虚,称自己是该风格school(学校)的学生。 The old school is any group of people who are traditionalists: they do things the way they've been done in the...
Old是旧的,School是学校,但是这两个词组合起来可不是你想的“旧学校”那么简单。其实这里的“School”主要表示“流派、学派、风格”,所以“Old school” 指的是老一套、老做派、过时的。例句:She's a woman of the old school, very hard to deal with.她是个守旧妇女,很难对付。Old man Old是老的,...
old schoolold school可不是“老,旧学校”的意思, 而是指 something that is antique or old-fashioned (某个东西很复古风的,过时的)。而如今,它更泛指为一种复古文化倾向、态度。例句:He is one of the old school who still believes in honour in public life.他思想传统,在别人面前仍然讲究体面。她是个...
记住| old school 可不是老学校 “熟词偏义”是英语中常见的情况,看似每个单词都认识,连在一起就不知道是什么意思。 old school可不是老学校的意思,而是指老派的,守旧、传统的。 eg: Manyold-schoolgamers are feeling a bit nostalgic for older and simpler games....
school 不就是“老学校”吗?如果真这么理解的话,可就闹笑话啦,因为正确的意思是:“守旧派,老派”。更多的时候是褒义且略带自豪感。我们来看一个例句:Our new teacher is a bit old school in his approach, but he always gets good results.新来的老师的教学方法有点守旧,但是教学成果还都不错。
old旧的,school学校,但是这两个词组合起来可不是你想的“旧学校”那么简单。其实这里的“school”主要表示“流派、学派、风格”。所以“old school” 指的是老一套、老做派、传统手法等。用“old school.”形容人和事的时候,传递的感觉要比“traditional”、“vintage”更高级、更精致一些。
old school 的意思并不是老学校。它表达的是守旧、老旧、传统的意思。 ▶ She's a woman of theold school, very hard to deal with. 她是个守旧妇女,很难对付。 ▶ He is one of theold schoolwho still believes in honour in public life. ...