沪江词库精选约化锥用英语怎么说及英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 reduced cone 相似短语 reduced to 1.(事、物)变成 2.(人)沦于 be reduced to beggary 沦为乞丐 bomb reduced 钢弹还原的 reduced flow 简化流动 reduced parthenogenesis 单倍孤雌[单性]生殖 reduced speed 减速(准备停车)...
约化映射锥 2) reduced spectral density mapping 约化谱密度映射 3) cone mapping 锥映射 1. Using the method of upper and lower solutions,constructing correspondingcone mapping,the method of existence of positive solution to second order secondpoint boundary value of the nonlinearities sign change was...
沪江词库精选约化映射锥英文怎么写及英文单词、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 reduced mapping cone 相似短语 reduced to 1.(事、物)变成 2.(人)沦于 be reduced to beggary 沦为乞丐 bomb reduced 钢弹还原的 reduced flow 简化流动 reduced parthenogenesis 单倍孤雌[单性]生殖 reduced speed 减速(...
沪江词库精选约化双角锥英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 reduced suspension 相似短语 reduced to 1.(事、物)变成 2.(人)沦于 be reduced to beggary 沦为乞丐 bomb reduced 钢弹还原的 reduced flow 简化流动 reduced parthenogenesis 单倍孤雌[单性]生殖 reduced speed 减速(准备停车) ...
约化锥 约化锥(reduced cone)是1993年公布的数学名词。公布时间 1993年,经全国科学技术名词审定委员会审定发布。出处 《数学名词》第一版。