磁流体辅助抛光 1. Surface roughness of optical elements fabricated bymagnetic fluid-assisted polishing; 磁流体辅助抛光工件表面粗糙度研究 3) ultrasonic-magnetorheological compound finishing 超声波磁流变复合抛光 1. Effect of several processing parameters on material removal ratio inultrasonic-magnetorheological...
磁流变抛光(MRF) 2) magnetic current 磁流 1. When strain waves pass through a ferromagnetic bar,owing to piezomagnetic effect,a nonuniformmagnetic currentwill be stimulated by the strain wave simultaneously. 应变波通过铁磁性杆件时,由于压磁效应,会同时在杆件中激发出不均匀的磁流。