沪江词库精选番茄叶霉病英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 leaf muld of tomatotomato leaf mould 相似短语 in leaf 生有叶子的,叶茂的 base of leaf 叶茎 bifoliolate leaf 并生叶 boxthorn leaf 枸杞叶 cataphyllary leaf 低出叶,芽苞叶 complex leaf 复叶 compound leaf 复叶 gate ...
【结论】SCAR标记,可用于番茄叶霉病抗性分子标记辅助育种。 3. Fermented liquor of strain MY02 showed antagonism against pathogenic fungus such as Botrytis cinerea, Fulvia fulva. 试验结果表明:菌株MY02对多种蔬菜真菌病害如番茄灰霉病、番茄叶霉病等都有较好的抑菌效果;同时进行了菌株MY02发酵液中活性组分SN...
番茄叶霉病菌对多菌灵抗药性的诱导及抗性菌株特性研究 6. Effect of Antifungal Substances from Endophytic Bacteria B_(36) on Fulvia fulva 苦参内生枯草芽孢杆菌B_(36)抗菌物质对番茄叶霉病菌的作用机制 7. Study on Endophytic Actinomycetes and Bioactive Substance Against Tomato Leaf Mould Pathogen; 番茄...
番茄叶霉病拮抗放线菌菌株A-10的鉴定 4. Biological Characteristics of Gray Mold on Tomato 番茄灰霉病病原菌生物学特性的研究 5. Study on Anti-fungal Activity of Arnebia euchroma Pigment of Fulvia fulva (Cooke) Cifferri in vitro 紫草色素对番茄叶霉病菌的室内抑菌活性研究 6. Relationship between...
番茄叶霉病菌异菌脲抗药性突变体的诱导与生物学性状 3. Inhibition of seed germination, root growth and seedling growth and pathogonicity of leaves to polydisperse glyxoprotein produced by cladosporium fulvum was tested. 测定了番茄叶霉病菌产生的糖蛋白毒素粗提物对不同番茄品种种子萌发 ,胚根、胚芽生长...
番茄叶霉病 1. Effect of Antifungal Substances from Endophytic Bacteria B_(36) on Fulvia fulva 苦参内生枯草芽孢杆菌B_(36)抗菌物质对番茄叶霉病菌的作用机制 2. 【Objective】The study identified the molecular marker linked to Fulvia fulva resistant gene Cf6 in tomato. 【结论】SCAR标记,可用于番茄...